May 10, 2007 11:49

That is the absolute one of the best feelings in the world. knowing that school is done for the summer. i am offically a sophmore in college! WOOT! Weird huh?!

I am so excited for this summer. Going to Arizona, Six Flags, just hanging out and work! I love that life. No school No stupid fustrating teachers no homework no nothing...

As you can tell i'm extremely excited that school is over with ... for now at least.

So on tuesday i went to help nani at the cemetery to clean up and fix the dirt infront of the Grave. We dug out the weeds and fixed the grass linning. Then we put mulch and organized the fake flowers nicely. it only took about 2 hours. not bad... it was nice going. I haven't been there in so long. I remember when papa died when ever i was upset of sad about something i used to go to his grave and talk to him about. i have don't that in like 3 or 4 years. I feel bad. Its like i forget about him. But i never did. i always remember papa. hes one unforgettable person. I miss him dearly. there will be no one like him thats for sure. its going to be 5 years on the 22nd that papa has been gone and i think 13 years that uncle eddie will be gone. It amazes me how long its been and really it hasn't seem that long at all.  and then nani was telling me about this other grave near papas she was in a parade and she fell off the float and a car ran over her and she died. She was only 18 years old. i don't understand why God would want her death to be gone so soon. its like i can die tommorrow. its so weird. A person can be taken by God in an instant. It just mske me curious on why he does that to people.  But it is meant to be a question. Life is a mystery and things happen for a reason. We may not know now why certain actions happen but we will understand later on. Fate. i believe in that so much..

Today is a beautiful day outside. I layed on the hammock and just listened. there was no sound just the bird cherping and the feeling of the wind blowing on my skin and the warmth of the sun shinning on me. Its a great feeling. We are so busy that we don't get to enjoy the little gifts God has given us. It is absolutely beautiful. I love it. It was so calm and relaxing. A feeling that we need now and then.

Tonight Ryan and I are going to a comedy club by woodfield. Called Improv. We are seeing Nick Swardson. i think i spelled his last name wrong. oops! haha hes pretty famous. hes been on comedy central presents a lot. so it should be good. Ryan likes him a lot so i told him that he was going to be ther. he was soo excited lol.

well i'm going to enjoy the weather before i leave to hang out with ryan :) take care! love ya
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