Bad Day I wish He'd Never Met Her

Apr 10, 2007 03:44

Today sucked. It started out fine and I finally found Guy. I was doing better then I had been since I had come here. But, then I met Xandra and my heart was stomped on needless to say after meeting her my day went down hill fast.

She made me think about what I had done in my own world and not that I have tried to forget opening up some fresh wounds into gaping holes. Then she has the NERVE to come to MY ROOM and then she makes a ruckus and tries to hit MY room mate and then Guy goes off to comfort HER. She was the one causing all the problems today and she is rewarded and coddled. Now I understand why Tear and the others treated me like they did. I see myself in her and I don't like it. I'm not like that anymore and I won't tolerate HER attitude.

Xandra will never be welcome around me. She has taken my friend from me and as I am writing this with one hand, yes the bitch broke my wrist when she attempted to punch me in the face when she came to give up on guy. I've never had anything that has been mine alone. My name even isn't mine...So she takes the one person away from me that I have that links my memories together and she cries. If she's that weak well fine...But, does it have to be Guy?

If that is how it is though I have a great room mate..I've learned as long as someone likes me I will always have a good friend by my side whether it's Guy or not that I will have a reason to stay and continue my education. Akira my room mate is AWESOME...He has taken up where Guy left off today and I feel like I have made a very dear friend. That is the only thing that came out of today...besides the fact I broke my writing hand. Sucky right?
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