Damn it I really miss Danny. I know I have a b/f and all, but I still have Danny on my mind. I liked Danny for the longest, and when I mean longest I mean like, he went out with two people and one of them twice, but I just never went out with him. I try really hard to forget about him, but it's not easy. I swear I will try, and I know I keep saying I'm going to forget him but it never works. It just so happens that his name pops up everywhere, or either when my day is done without him on my mind, he ends up comming online, and IMing me. Or even comming online, and making your heart burst from him and his damn gutiar playing. It just drives people wild for some reason. I just found this convo me and Jackie had a while ago, I hope Jackie doesn't find this or Dan.
Emo Burnx03: I hate that
your gunna haate this next one, i think its the stupidest thing of all, in reality i wish he would just give up with me and be with you, you guys seem liike your supposed to be together, but a humoungous part of it is age, hes told me before im the youngest he would ever go
Emo Burnx03: yeah that you told me, your thinking that i should be with him?
fadedxheartx: yea
Emo Burnx03: I can't be with someone who can't think of me the way that I do
Emo Burnx03: and thats horrible
Emo Burnx03: because I've always liked him for so long
Emo Burnx03: And had the horrible timing of telling him that I love him alot
fadedxheartx: how so?
Emo Burnx03: Right when I told him I liked him
Emo Burnx03: after like a long fucking year
Emo Burnx03: stupid me
Emo Burnx03: he went out with ashlee that same day
fadedxheartx: do you know if he has feelings for anyone else?
Emo Burnx03: he HAD feelings for Kimmie
Emo Burnx03: but now, nope
((Scratch that, I meant Three ex's. I forgot about Ashlee.))
That was a while ago. That convo was never brought up again, thank god. Mikey was really right...When That survey was done about filling out what you know of me...."Who makes me happy?"
"Who makes me sad?" Everyone else filled out that My mom makes me sad, which she does...Mikey filled out to both, Danny, and Danny. I'm going to kick his little ass. But yeah.
And After this whole thing....Danny, and Jackie got back together (again)...A E-mail was sent from David After not hearing from Dan for a oh so very long time. This wasn't good. The email was saying that he wasn't aware of this relationship, and that Jackie should spend her time on studies, and not relationships, and moving with NC and getting a job there to be with Danny. Yikes...so so right now...They're no longer together. Question? How did his father find out? well.......His father was keeping message archives. So yes, this wasn't good.
But yeah, All of Daniels Ex's were my friend. Except for one, Which was Kimberly/Kimmy/Kimmie, and so on and so fourth lol. Well we both decided to make ends meet, and we became friends, We don't talk much though, because sometimes one of us decides to be cruel, but we don't let it bother us. Atleast I don't So yeah. I heart kimmie! it's okay if she doesn't, I always wanted to be her friend, til' I found out about that whole situation, but bleh, thats stupid to get upset about, I have to admit. Thats the whole story with this stupid thing. Oh yeah, me and my friends are planing to write biographys.......Theres going to be way too much typing lol.
P.S. haha The VCR is screwed, and when you eject the tape it shoots out at you hahahha