Dec 11, 2004 19:40
well.... monday is the start of my "exams week" and i'm kinda worried. study session for history weent blessedly reassuringly. sort of.... well lets face it, a good third of the stuff they talked about i couldn't remember. which means studying like a FOX. why oh lord of exams. why must you pretend to be nice with your "hey, you never have two exams in one day!" and then turn evil with you "HAHAHA and so that means studying 3 months of material for a course in a single day between exams, i hope you enjoy life!" *shakes fist*
wednesday = hung out with tristan for the day, that was fun.
friday i went to my bosses house for a break in studying and watched Predator with him and chips (bob (george))
today i woke up at 6. now you might be thinking "6AM? what are you MAD!?" but no.... 6 PM *hides face* what the hell is wrong with me? i must have been seriously exhausted to sleep into 6PM.... and my family must be frigging monks for not waking me up when say 2 or 3 canearound and thought of "where the hell is Seb?" happened.
on a side note, what does it mean when you have a dream where you're in a contest to put down two meters of pavement with some woman who can spit marking paint, and by the end you decide that you're so poor, you're going to knock off all your fingers with a ball pin hammer and sell them on the black market?