the weekend, its about goddamned time.

Nov 21, 2003 19:24

holy SHIT my mother can stick a piece of shit up her ass for all i care. she treats me like i am one of her second grade students. she made me write down on this fucking piece of paper that said "i promise not to do blah blah blah" and made me fucking sign it and was talkign to me like i was 4 years old. i could seirously shoot her sometimes.


today has been a good day, for the most part. the bio test was postponed untill monday because of the ice cream social thing. me and nasi went to the book fair instead, because we're cool. then leila came home with me after school. i feel bad, it was really boring because there is nothing whatsoever to do. so we didnt really no what to say or do and justt kinda sat around for a long time. but shes a cool kid so its all good.

my parents are such assholes.

im going over to lane's house now. g'night.
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