The world is such a fucking fair place and everyone is treated equally no matter what:
Speaking of drama: Teen mom Bristol Palin and her fiancé, Levi Johnston, called it quits last week. So we've been cheated out of the Royal Rube Wedding we were promised during last summer's Republican National Convention-and another child will grow up without a father in the home, which is a tragedy for the child, according to America's Talibangelists.
Or that's what they said when Mary Cheney-remember that dyke?-had a baby with a woman she would marry if she could marry. It's weird that America's Talibangelists aren't making the same point now.
Finding a summer job is a fucking pain. This year has been by far the hardest ever. Combined with uni stress, this spring just might be the most challenging I've ever had. Even the 3 day trip to Rovaniemi didn't really help, as we spent the entire time emptying my grandparent's old place or seeing various relatives in hospitals and other equally cheery places. But I scored a bunch of furniture and china and stuff and my lover passed the final acid tests: he survived all my crazy, demented relatives.
Kiva tietää että historiaa ei saa kirjoittaa ilman lupaa naapurimaalta. Oikeasti tympii se, että tässäkään maassa ei näköjään voi mitenkään Neuvostoliittoa käsitellä ilman että oitis vedetään se saatanan fasismi-kortti. Ja miten se voi loukata venäläisiä tai koko nykyistä valtiota jos sanotaan että Neuvostoliiton toiminta Virossa johti aika suuren väestömäärän kärsimykseen?