Obligatory Car Sex Fanfic

Feb 28, 2009 17:37

Pairing: Kon / Tim (Superboy / Robin III)
Rating: NC-17
Author's Notes: Can you believe this is the only Kon/Tim car sex fic we've written? We seriously need to remedy that...

Summary: Tim gets a new car. Kon wants to christen it.

Obligatory Car Sex Fanfic

By Nightmare and Winged Dreamer


"Even if it isn't a Ferrari, it's still gotta be hot," Conner Kent told the young man walking beside him. Tim Drake hummed and eyed the light blue Cavalier beside them. "Tim, that's not hot. That's… practical. I mean, I know it's gonna be just a beater, but still. You're the adopted son of Bruce-Frickin'-Wayne. You need something with a little more pizzazz. Like that Monte Carlo over there, or the Mustang sitting next to it. I mean, can you picture us going at it in a - a mini-van?"

"Well, that would be very roomy. And think of the 'camping trips' we could have in a mini-van." Smirking at the suddenly thoughtful look on his lover's face, Tim wandered over to the Monte Carlo. After successfully completing two years of college with a high GPA despite his 'job,' Bruce had told him to go congratulate himself with a car. Any car, no matter the cost. It hadn't taken long for Tim to decide to get a used car; something cheap that he could tinker with, and that had less of a chance getting stolen while parked on the campus of Gotham University.

"Naaaah, I think it needs to be hot more than spacious. Y'know?" Trailing behind his long-time boyfriend, Kon eyed the Monte Carlo from over Tim's shoulder and cocked his head to the side. "What do you think?"

"Too nice, and too old a model, almost bordering on classic. It would get stolen in a heartbeat. This one, on the other hand." Tim turned to the silver '06 Mustang next to them, patting the hood. "Recent, but not all that classy, and very common. Excuse me! I'd like a quote on this car over here," he called to the salesman hovering at the end of the lot, waiting to be summoned.

The salesman all but rushed to their side. "Uh, ah! The Mustang. She's a nice car, in very good condition, but there's a problem with the sound system. It's a custom job, built right into the frame believe it or not, takes up the entire middle of the backseat. However, the radio does work, she runs excellently and I wouldn't call her anything less than reliable. The mileage, though, is a bit extensive. We've got her at eight-thousand, mostly because of the mileage and the sound system."

"Anything else you know about the history? Quirks in the engine, approximate gas mileage, things like that?"

"I took her for a spin when she first came to the lot, barely put a dent in the gas tank. The engine is, to say the least, perfect for its age and mileage. The previous owner took really good care of this one. The tires were all rotated when it was brought in, but they were brand new. At least that means you're good there for a while. Brakes are good. Transmission's excellent. She's a manual, just in case you hadn't noticed, so if you can't drive a stick I would say this one's not for you. Other than that, she's golden."

Tim hummed and nodded thoughtfully, slipping into the driver's seat to examine the console. The seat proved to be quite comfortable, and there was nothing out of the ordinary besides the large box in the back seat. "Eight grand, you said? Any kind of warranty come with that?"

"If you'd like to take it for a test spin first, you can. When you're done we can go inside and sit down and I can go over all the various policies that we have to offer in there."

"What do you think, Conner? Test drive or no?"

"Oh, test drive." Kon's grin was huge as he extended his hand for the keys the salesman was already pulling out of his pocket.

Smirking, Tim leaned over to pop the passenger door open so Kon could get in. "Test drive it is. Do I need to leave anything with you to prove I'll come back?" he asked of the salesman.

"Well, yeah," the salesman began, but Kon was already tossing him his wallet.

"We'll be back in a bit," the meta told him and slid into the passenger's seat. The salesman just looked a little stunned.

"We'll keep the test to an hour, max. See you then." With a grin for the salesman, Tim started up the car and pulled out of the lot as soon as Kon was buckled in. "I think a test run on the back roads is in order. If this thing can't handle dirt roads, I don't want it."

"Sure, whatever. As long as I can make out with you in this totally awesome car before we give it back to the creepy guy we're currently leaving behind."

"Hornball. Is sex all you can think about?" A slight upwards curl at the corner of Tim's mouth took all the bite out of his tone, as did the hand reaching for Kon's to lace their fingers together. They had been lovers for almost four years, and had been living together for one year. Dick still accused them of acting like newlyweds.

"When I'm with you, Tim, I think about sex, how much I love you and how much I love to fuck or be fucked by you. Does that answer your question?" The fingers tangled amongst Tim's tightened and Kon leaned over to brush a kiss to Tim's jaw that could only be called seductive. "I can't help it if you turn me on."

"Hornball," Tim said again, this time with a chuckle. "Try to focus on the ride so you can help me decide whether I want this car. And not that kind of ride," he quickly added before Kon could open his mouth.

"Alright. Alright," Kon caved with a soft chuckle. The cab immediately fell silent as Kon closed his eyes and put his head back, feeling the ride as Tim had asked.

By the end of their allotted hour, they had ensured that yes, the radio did in fact work, the milage was exceptional, and that the car handled like a dream. Tim steered the Mustang back into the lot and parked it in front of the office. Another hour later, he walked out of the office with keys in one hand and a small sheaf of papers in the other, all of them proclaiming him the new owner.

"Think Bruce will approve when he sees it?" he asked of Kon as they slid back into the Mustang, excitement clear in his tone.

"Hell, if he doesn't he's a complete idiot," came Kon's answer as he slid into the passenger's seat. They'd walked from an alley a few blocks away, having flown into the area via Kon's superpowers. The youngest member of the Super Family couldn't wait to drive back to their apartment in such a sexy vehicle. "It would look better in black, but I'm not gonna complain beyond that tiny little meh comment."

"I could always get it painted black if we ever get tired of silver." Bouncing a little in his seat, much like a kid who had just been given a lot of candy, Tim started the car. "What do you say to an afternoon of cruising? I don't feel like going home yet."

"I am all for that. We could try and find a drive-in movie theater if you wanted." Buckling his safety belt, Kon reached over and laid a hand on Tim's nearest knee. He obviously didn't feel much like going home either.

As if Kon had any intentions of actually watching a movie if they did go to a drive-in theater. Tim knew him far better than that, and the ideas he suspected his lover of having right then actually didn't sound all that bad. A heated spark in his blue eyes, he set a hand over Kon's and squeezed. "I think I have a better idea."

It was times like this where Tim's extensive knowledge of the highways and back roads around Gotham came in very handy. Before long, they were parked in a hidden clearing off a deserted dirt road. No words needed to be said as Tim unbuckled and glanced over at Kon.

Superboy was free of his seatbelt in less than a moment and pushing the seat back as far as it would go. He even went so far as to recline it just a bit for comfort and more room before offering his hand to Tim to help him over the middle console. "I love the way your eyes go all molten blue when we start this stuff in places that could be considered public," the meta teased with a lopsided grin.

"Well, I couldn't let you have all the exhibitionist tendencies in this relationship." Tilting his head so his bangs would fall over his eyes in that way he knew turned Kon on, Tim grabbed Kon's hand and gracefully moved into his partner's lap. Already he could feel the heat of the meta's growing erection through their jeans. "Always ready," Tim purred in approval, reaching between them to cup Kon's crotch.

"Only for you, baby," teased Kon, reaching up to cradle Tim's hips. "What do you feel like doing to christen your new toy?"

The young human thought for a moment, distracting them both by slowly undoing the buttons of Kon's shirt. "From behind," Tim decided, then leaned close to lick his way into his lover's mouth.

The tongue in his mouth was heaven unlike anything he had ever experienced before Tim. Kon knew he was lost and would be lost forever in this, in Tim. Broad hands slipped up the back of his lover's shirt, caressing smooth, lightly scarred skin and massaging the occasional knot of hard-toned muscle. He loved the young man in his arms so much, more than he could ever express or describe, that it almost seemed to hurt sometimes just thinking about it, to ache with emotions like fear and a raw openness that was unique to them. It made him tug at Tim's body, wanting him closer. Now.

Kon's useless glasses followed Tim's shirt onto the driver's seat to be completely forgotten, soon joined by Kon's shirts. Running calloused hands over the meta's broad chest, Tim bent to run his tongue along the base of Kon's neck and tug gently on the short chain that his lover wore, making the gold ring that hung from it brush over firm flesh. A duplicate chain and ring hung from Tim's neck, a sign of their loyalty to one another and a promise to always be together. The sight of it on Kon never failed to amaze Tim. After all, who would have ever thought that Superboy could be tied down to one person, and to a broody Bat at that. But just as Tim rooted Kon in the real world, so did Kon root Tim in his humanity, keeping him from falling into a dangerous depression.

A small smile creeping onto his face, the young meta brought both of his hands up to cradle Tim's face. It took no effort at all to return Tim's mouth to his own, Kon's tongue playing invader this time while one hand slipped down the side of the Boy Wonder's neck to finger the twin chain at Tim's throat. "I love you," he managed to whisper against wet lips just as the button of Tim's jeans slid from its hole without so much as a touch from Kon's otherwise occupied hands.

"I love you, too." Tim smiled into the next kiss as he reached between them to undo Kon's jeans. "Sit up," he murmured, pulling down the meta's jeans when he did as asked. Very pleased and not surprised at all to see that Kon wasn't wearing underwear, the young human smirked and indulged in a moment to stroke teasing fingers along the underside of Kon's thick erection, earning a sharp gasp. A little hunting found a small bottle of lube in Kon's pocket. Tim pressed it into Kon's hand and rose onto his knees, pushing his own jeans down to the middle of his thighs.

"Do you wanna turn around now?" The question was near breathless, a sure sign that Kon was more than a little affected by the sight of Tim's erection throbbing oh-so-close to his face. Licking his lips as he popped open the tube of KY, Kon pulled his eyes from Tim's cock long enough to make eye contact.

"Do you want me to turn around right now?" purred Tim as he ran a hand over Kon's short hair.

"If you don't, we might not make it as far as I'd like," Kon admitted even as his eyes dropped to Tim's weeping tip. "You're just way to tempting."

"Fair enough." Tim turned around and leaned forward, bracing his elbows on the dashboard so Kon could have easy access to his ass, his legs spread as wide as his jeans and the small space would let him.

"You are so… fucking edible!" Kon enthusiastically grunted as he shifted, leaned forward and dragged his tongue up one muscled cheek. A second later, cool fingertips pressed against Tim's entrance, years of love-making giving Tim's body plenty of reason to let those digits right in.

"So what are you waiting for? Eat me." Dirty talk never failed to turn Kon on, or to give Tim a delicious thrill. Perhaps it was the freedom to indulge in every last fantasy without the fear of being judged; maybe it was the thrill of tearing down societal norms; or maybe it was the sheer pleasure of knowing that no request would go unfulfilled. Whatever it was, the end result was always worth it.

Tim never had to tell Kon twice. Ever. Well, at least not when it came to sex. Slick fingers left Tim's entrance only to be replaced moments later by a strong, warm tongue. A hand landed lightly on each cheek, spreading Tim as wide as was comfortable so that Kon could tongue-fuck his lover's eager anus. Rimming was something they both enjoyed from either perspective, but then that could be said about almost any of the sexual things they did together. Panting, Kon suggested, "Lube me up, Tim. My hands are kind of full at the moment."

A little caught up in the erotic sensations of Kon basically Frenching his entrance, Tim simply nodded with a gasp and reached for the small tube. Smearing some of the gel on his fingers, he stretched between his legs to fist his lover's proud erection. A few long pumps was all it took to get Kon adequately lubed up, and Tim turned his attentions to Kon's heavy balls, gently stroking them.

"Jesus, I love it when you do that," Kon gasped, helplessly pressing his nose against Tim's buttcheek with the first roll of his scrotum. Tim had the most wonderful hands. "Gimme the lube."

The demand got Tim to mutter something about the lube being on the floor, so Kon reached out with his telekinesis, finding the tube and yanking it into his grasp. The snap cap fell to the seat between the meta's slightly spread thighs with a small twist from the TK before the lubricant was given entirely into Kon's hand. Meanwhile Kon's other hand slipped two fingers into the ring of muscle, stretching Tim's body enough to fit the tip of the tube between Superboy's spread fingers. With only half a tube left and no condoms to speak of, Kon figured it was better to be slicker than less so and squeezed the remaining jelly into Tim's body. When the tube was empty, it found its way to the floor again, allowing the fingers that had been holding it to join their brethren in Tim's body.

"Oh, fuck," moaned Tim, head dangling on his limp neck. The shock of cold lube hitting his insides was quickly dissipating as his body heat warmed the slick gel, and Kon's fingers moving around in that slickness to stroke and stretch him quickly became Tim's undoing, just as it always did. Arms almost giving out under the force of so much pleasure at once, the human leaned back slightly to stress the urgency with which Kon needed to finish. While Tim loved to cum at his lover's hand no matter the method, he much preferred to cum with Kon buried deep inside him or vice versa, and right now that was exactly what he wanted.

Long fingers left Tim's channel with a final caress directly to Tim's prostate only to settle on the Boy Wonder's hips. "Ready?" the meta panted more than ready himself to be buried in the tight heat of his lover's familiar core.

"God, yes." Trusting Kon to guide him, Tim pushed off the dash until he sat upright and lowered himself onto his lover's waiting dick. The initial penetration came with only the faintest of discomforts, his body well used to being stretched. A small sigh of something akin to relief blew past Tim's wet lips as their hips met. Setting his hands overtop the broad ones on his hips, he leaned back against Kon's chest and turned his head to press a messy kiss to the meta's jaw.

"Always so good," Kon mumbled and turned his head, craning his neck so that he could steal a quick, sloppy kiss. Fingers tightening just enough to help lift Tim's weight without bruising him too much, Kon buried his nose against Tim's ear and gasped, "Move, baby."

More than willing to obey such a command, Tim took up a slow, steady pace. It quickly became fast and erratic as passion overtook them, hands caressing sweaty skin and a mix of endearments and curses filling the increasingly humid air. Tim shuddered with every brush of Kon's cock to his prostate. He nearly cried out when Kon tweaked his nipples; he did cry out when Kon roughly fisted his erection, his hips thrusting involuntarily.

"Mmf, yes. God, don't stop." Kon didn't sound like he was completely grounded any more, which wasn't uncommon when he was being ridden hard to ecstasy. Groaning, Kon tightened his fist around his lover's beautiful, heavy cock and pumped Tim faster. "C'mon, Tim. C'mon, baby," he encouraged and kissed then bit at Tim's shoulder.

Tim moaned and reached back to grab double handfuls of Kon's rock hard ass. His grip tight, he slammed down until Kon was buried to the hilt within him, then clenched his channel as he reached between his legs to tug on the meta's balls, nails lightly scraping.

That did it. It wasn't often Kon just let go well before he was sure Tim was falling with him, but Tim sometimes had this way of tossing Kon over the edge before the meta even knew what was coming. "Shit!" he gasped as his back arched and his hips pumped helplessly through orgasm. Kon wasn't sure if he'd kept pumping or released Tim's cock already so he forced his brain to tell his fingers to loosen, just in case, as he hit cloud ninety-nine.

After a moment in which Kon was able to at least partially recollect himself, Tim wriggled his hips and replaced Kon's hand on his throbbing dick. He was so close it would probably only take a few pulls to yank him over the edge, and he wanted Kon to be the one to throw him over. "My turn," he husked against his lover's jaw, nibbling lightly.

"Mm, love you," Kon murmured groggily as his hand fisted tight around Tim's cock and began to pump. "So fucking much."

"Kon…" Tim rotated his hips to rub Kon's softening cock against his prostate, adding to the sensations caused by that wonderful, powerful hand. Panting, he let his head fall back onto Kon's shoulders. Soon overwhelmed, Tim came with a sharp hiss of pleasure, his seed splattering across the dashboard as he jerked in Kon's grip. Muscles gradually relaxing, he limply reclined against his lover's chest, focused on taking deep, steady breaths to calm his racing heart.

After a long, comfortable silence in which only heavy breathing was heard, Kon shifted and whispered, "God you are so fucking amazing when you cum like that." It was something he'd said a thousand times before if he'd said it once, but he always felt that it was something he should say to Tim, something that he wanted Tim to know he felt. Wrapping his arms around the Boy Wonder's trim waist, Kon buried his nose against his lover's neck and inhaled deeply of the scent of sweat and Tim and sex.

"You always say that," murmured Tim with clear amusement and affection. Smiling lips pressed to Kon's temple as gentle hands stroked his arms. "Of course, part of the reason I cum like that is because you help."

"Remind me to up my efforts. Maybe I can make it even better." Chuckling, Kon nuzzled at Tim's jawline and sighed. "You're going to have to clean the dash now…"

A handkerchief was produced from one of Tim's back pockets, and he thoroughly wiped up the mess before tucking the square of fabric away. "You aren't the only one who came prepared." He smirked.

"We can ArmorAll it later. Right now, we cuddle." Powerful arms tightened carefully about Tim's waist in a loving hug.

And cuddle they did, until Tim opened his eyes to see that the light filtering through the trees had diminished significantly, meaning the sun was going down. "Kon," he murmured, voice raspy from sleep. "Kon, wake up."

A soft snort and a groggy, "Wha?" was his only response beyond a slight tightening of the arms around his waist.

"We fell asleep, the sun is setting, and knowing you, your stomach is going to start roaring in a minute. What do you say to going home and ordering a couple pizzas for dinner?"

"That sounds… super." Grunting again as he shifted around beneath his boyfriend, Kon shook his head and caught at Tim's hips. "A shower before we order though?"

"Definitely." Carefully removing himself from Kon's lap, Tim righted his jeans and climbed back into the driver's seat, tossing their shirts into the back of the car. The only thing that didn't make its way to the back was Kon's glasses, which were handed to him with a look of apology.

Sighing, Kon obediently put the glasses back on and fixed his pants before settling back in his seat and buckling his safety belt. "Let's go."


Author's Note: This was originally written as the beginning of what was supposed to be a long crossover with a certain TV movie that 'Mare and I absolutely love. That bunny died, but the sex scene was too nice to not post. Any guesses on what TV movie we were inspired by? *grin* - Dreamy

pairing: superboy x robin, one-shot, slash, story: obligatory car sex fanfic, pairing: tim x kon, pwp, fandom: dcu

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