Rebirthday Part 2

Nov 05, 2007 00:05

Pairing: Kon / Tim (Superboy / Robin III)
Rating: NC-17
Author's Notes: Graphic sexual content, bondage, language

Summary: It's been a year since Robin successfully resurrected Superboy, and he has made some special plans to celebrate.

Rebirthday (cont.)

By Nightmare and Winged Dreamer


Stretching his senses, Kon slipped through the crowd after his lover, eager to be beside him again. He ignored the other dancers and the multitudes of other offers in favor of finding Tim again. Breaking free of the writhing masses, Kon opened his senses further, ignored the discomfort of the now-too-loud music and sought out that familiar and comforting pulse.

Tim watched him search from an unoccupied shadow, trying to calm his erratic breathing and lower his arousal to a less mind-blowing level before he lost sight of what he had planned for tonight. Music pulsed in time with his blood and he gave in to its call, swaying to the throbbing beat as he began to stroke his own body, imagining that it was Kon's hands caressing his chest, palming his erection, teasing his hard nipples…

At last he felt Kon's familiar gaze on him and he opened his eyes, blue catching blue. Tim danced deeper into the shadows, the sway of his body calling Kon closer.

The alluring sight of his lover dancing and touching himself, seeing Tim's hands stroke himself the way Kon wanted to stroke him, pulled him into the shadowy corner. In the span of a heartbeat, Kon stood before Tim again and yet he paused. He had been told not to touch… and the promise of "more fun" still hung between them. Torn between obeying Tim and obeying his hormones, Kon very nearly whimpered as he watched.

"Dance, Kon," Tim ordered, everything about him from his voice to the way he danced declaring lust for the meta standing in front of him. "But don't cum." He palmed himself, the tightness of his pants preventing a grab, and shuddered. "Don't cum."

So, Kon danced. His eyes never left Tim's body, roaming from his face to his crotch and back again, following the trail of his hands and watching his hips sway with a hungry stare. And Kon obediently touched himself, echoing Tim's caresses on his own body and imagining it was Tim touching him instead. This was kinky, arousing, and Kon knew he could only begin to imagine what else the Boy Wonder had in store for him that night. Whatever the occasion, Kon was going to mark this day on his calendar and never, ever forget it while praying for a repeat come the next year.

They danced and watched each other for what felt like a cruel eternity, moving from song to song without even noticing the transitions, too caught up in the movements of the other to care. At last Tim couldn't stand drawing out the anticipation anymore and smoothly transitioned from dancing to striding towards the exit, tossing a heated look to Kon over his shoulder for him to follow. It was time to give Kon his other present before they both burst with pent up arousal right then and there, ruining what Tim had planned.

Why that look had sent a bolt of white hot lust through him, Kon didn't know, but it certainly had a much more powerful effect on him than anything Tim had thrown his way thus far. Walking quickly to catch up, Kon fell into step behind Tim as Robin led the way out of the club and onto the street. "Home?" Kon asked once they were away from the club enough to hear each other. He was heavily panting and his blood was well past the boiling point. There was only one thing on Kon's mind and that was getting somewhere comfortable and quiet and fucking the hell out of Tim or having Tim fuck the hell out of him.

"No." That was all Tim trusted himself to say as he hurried down the street, praying they made it to their destination. He almost moaned in relief when the hotel finally came into view and led Kon through the parking lots to a back entrance, pulling a key card out of the back of his leather pants to open the door. The first door on their left also opened to the key and Tim kicked off his shoes once the door had closed behind Kon. Heart pounding in his ears, the Boy Wonder turned to his boyfriend, making sure his back was to the bed. "Now… you can touch."

Kon was out of his boots at superspeed and in that same blink of an eye he was standing before Tim. He took one last look at Tim dressed in that outfit, and then his hands were under Tim's shirt. The ripple of Superboy's TK ghosted over the shorter teen's skin, but it was mostly concentrated on removing Tim's pants while Kon pulled Tim's shirt over his head with his hands. The shirt went flying to the right and the pants puddled around Tim's ankles. An instant later Kon-El was backing him towards the bed. Hungry lips found Tim's mouth, eager to devour slightly chapped lips with a loud moan.

An equally loud moan answered him as lean arms circled his neck, bracing Tim so he could kick his pants off the rest of the way before he tripped over them. Somehow still in possession of his dexterity, Tim undid Kon's slacks and shoved them down while he kissed his lover like a starving man at a rich feast, calloused fingers immediately wrapping around the half-Kryptonian's weeping erection the instant it sprung free of its confines. "Shirt. Off. Now," he commanded through another moan, trembling with the almost unbearable need to feel their naked bodies pressed together.

The shirt seemed to vanish it disappeared so fast and Kon kicked out of his pants as they took the last few steps to the bedside. Gritting his teeth to keep from cumming right there in Tim's hand, Kon shoved his boyfriend down onto the mattress, sprawling on top of him. A voracious mouth latched onto fair skin, sucking and nibbling. Tim tasted of salty sweat and sex. "Want to fuck you," he half grunted and half gasped as he pinned the other teen to the comforter and moaned in his ear. "Jesus, you were such a fucking tease…" Memories followed the words and Superboy moaned, grinding his hips down into Tim's pelvis.

"Shut up." Tim grabbed fistfuls of Kon's sweaty hair and yanked him into a bruising kiss full of passionate bites and tongue sucking, hugging Kon's hips with his thighs and grinding up into him. Overwhelming friction hit Tim with pleasure-filled lightning bolts that sent white-hot flames licking over his skin to collect in his groin, making him thrust harder, moan louder, and rake his nails over every reachable inch of Kon's sweat-slick flesh. The edge flew at him and he didn't bother to fight it, falling into ecstasy with a hoarse cry of his lover's name as he spilled himself onto their stomachs, heart racing so fast he was vaguely afraid that it would burst.

The hands in his hair tightened, Tim's thighs clamped around Kon's waist and as he cried out his ecstasy he threw his head back into the comforter, baring his throat to Kon's teeth and tongue. Sucking hard on Tim's hammering pulse, Kon thrust faster into the cradle of his lover's slender hips, shuddering hard and then harder as the other teen's cum slickened the motion. One of his own hands had long since found its way into Tim's hair and now the other found its way to Tim's ass, grabbing one cheek and kneading the muscle. The world exploded suddenly, going completely white. It wrenched a scream from Kon's lungs that was completely incoherent and wound down into a soft chanting of, "Tim…"

"Kon…" Hoarse gasps dragged air back into Tim's starved lungs, and he let his body go wonderfully limp, every muscle within him trembling as residual pleasure sent relatively weak bursts of electricity into them. Lazy hands smoothed over Kon's back, soothing them both down from cloud nine without killing their bodies' need for more. Just as he had planned, Tim had worked them both up so much at the club that there was still plenty of arousal flowing through them, evident by their still semi-hard members sandwiched between their sticky abdomens. "Did I break you, Kon?" he softly teased when they could both breathe again, gently raking his nails through Kon's hair.

"Fuck yeah." The words were muffled by the comforter, but they were also mumbled right beside Tim's ear. Though it felt almost too heavy, Kon lifted his head and gazed down into Tim's eyes. "I love you," he murmured and gently lavished adoring kisses against Tim's lower lip for a few seconds. He was still hard and getting harder, but the need for intimacy before carnality was fierce. Giving Tim's ass cheek another squeeze, Kon hummed into the kiss and squirmed as his blood started getting warmer again. His muscles were still tingling with aftershocks, but he wasn't completely satisfied yet. Oh, no.

Smiling against Kon's mouth, Tim interrupted the kiss with a finger to his lover's lips and he gazed up at him with mischief painted all over his face. "Mm, you'll love me even more in a second. Look in the drawer of the nightstand."

One brow raised in curiosity, Superboy looked up and then through the nightstand drawer. "You…" There, waiting patiently for Kon to pull them out, sat a pair of handcuffs, a few lengths of soft looking rope, a blindfold, a tube of lubricant, condoms, fudge in a squeezable tube, and a vibrator. "Why?" he finally managed even as he shivered with anticipation.

Tim chuckled and nuzzled Kon's cheek, cupping the other in his palm. "Happy Birthday, Kon." Soft lips teased the corner of Superboy's mouth, coaxing him into a languid yet passionate kiss. "So… how would you like to open your birthday present?" purred Tim, spreading his legs and bucking up once into the meta's hips. Whatever Kon wanted tonight, he was going to get, no exceptions and no questions asked.

A million lustful fantasies played out before Kon's mind's eye and his eyelids slid closed as he lowered his forehead to Tim's shoulder. Then slowly he pulled away, sliding down Tim's body and smearing their mingled cum over his chest as he knelt on the floor between Tim's knees. Strong fingers caught Tim's hands and pulled him up even as Kon stood himself. When they were both standing with nothing between them except scant millimeters, Kon stooped and lifted Tim up into his arms and finally grinned as he properly lowered Tim's body back onto the mattress. "I love you."

"I know." Welcoming arms beckoned Kon to lay back down on top of Tim, circling his shoulders and pulling him down into a mind-numbing kiss. Soon they were panting again, so hungry for each other it hurt, but oh what a sweet hurt it was, requiring only the best of medicines. "Whatever you want, Kon… Tonight is all for you." Long, scarred legs wrapped around the half-Kryptonian's waist as Tim smiled up at him, naked love and lust shining in his eyes.

"Whatever I want, hm?" The wicked grin that tilted one corner of the meta's lips upward was nothing short of playful. The drawer seemed to open on its own and Kon spared one hand from Tim's ass to reach over, grabbing the tube of lubricant and a condom out of midair. Telekinesis had so many advantages. He dropped them on the mattress beside them as he bowed his head once more to Tim's throat, adding to the bite marks and hickies already there. Teeth chewing along Tim's shoulder, Kon caught the Boy Wonder's hands and gently pushed them up toward the headboard. "Payback…" Cool metal clicked as it encircled first one wrist and then the other. "No touching, Tim."

The Boy Wonder gave the cuffs an experimental tug, almost immediately meeting resistance as the chain caught on the headboard, not allowing him to do more than slightly bend his arms. Pretending to be hurt, Tim put on his best innocent expression even as his erection throbbed painfully; the idea of being completely at Kon's mercy was arousing enough to be illegal. "Kon… don't tell me you're sore about me not letting you touch in the club."

"Sore? I was in fucking agony for over an hour, Tim!" But Kon's smile made it clear that he had loved every second of it. "And now I get to have my revenge."

With Tim mostly immobilized Kon let his hands slide back down Tim's arms, caressing the sensitive, little caressed skin of his triceps with light fingertips. Those same fingertips then slid down Tim's sides, over his hips and up the outsides of his thighs until he could unhook Tim's legs from his waist, allowing Kon to sit up. Kneeling between Robin's spread legs, staring down at his lover's sweat and cum covered body, Kon let Tim's legs drop back to the mattress. For several long seconds, he only looked his fill, caressing Tim's body with blazing eyes. He imagined that his pupils burned with the heat he could feel pulsing along his optic nerve, looking much like the core flame of a furnace. He had long since learned to control his heat vision even at the most desperate of times, but he knew Tim knew that indicator for what it was.

One hand extended forward of its own accord, trailing one finger down the throbbing vein on the exposed underside of Robin's erection and Superboy's own hard-on twitched, reciprocating its mate's reaction. Suddenly, Kon moved forward, bringing his hands down on either side of Tim's body to hover above him on his hands and knees. Arms capable of lifting an ocean liner with little effort collapsed beneath the weight of unbridled lust and warm lips found a pert nipple, sucking and rolling the bud between his teeth and flicking it with his tongue. Now it was time to play with his new toy.

White-hot pleasure raced through Tim's veins, spiking erratically every time Kon changed his "weapon" of choice, boiling blood in its path and making muscles spasm. The handcuffs' thin chain rattled and the headboard protested as Tim reflexively yanked, wanting, needing to touch his lover and he bit back a whine of frustration when he was unable to. "Shit, Kon!" Determined to not let his lack of hands stop him from getting what he wanted, Tim arched into Kon's wicked mouth and squirmed, wordlessly begging him to not hold back, to drive him as insane as the slimmer young man had driven him insane at the club. Already his hips were thrusting against his will, rubbing his erection along Kon's hard stomach, spurned by unsated lust and unrestrained want.

"Uhn-uh," Kon grunted and brought one hand to bear on Tim's left hip, pinning him to the bed. Ignoring the other nipple, Kon chose instead to trail his tongue over Tim's pec and down his centerline to his last ribs where he nibbled at the flesh that covered them. Now he was able to hold Tim's hips in both hands, using his forearms and elbows to hold Tim's legs open wide. Drawing his legs beneath him, Kon settled back a bit and let out a low groan at the sight of his lover's swollen genitals laid bare before him like a feast. Tim looked positively edible, but Kon's thirst for "revenge" had yet to be quenched. An idea about how to satisfy both needs blossomed in his mind and blue eyes flickered to the nightstand.

Kon seemed to hesitate, but only for a second. A length of soft rope leapt from the open drawer, uncoiling and slithering across the mattress towards Tim. One end wound once, twice around the middle of his right thigh and continued its journey down his leg to tie around his ankle. The rope then tightened, hissing softly as it moved over his thigh and forced his leg to bend, pulling his ankle towards his rear. The other end slid under Tim's shoulder and around the pole he was cuffed to, pulling tight on his right leg on its journey down his left side so that Tim was forced to put his bound foot beneath his rear and arch his back to give the rope some slack as his left leg was also bound. Hands thus freed, Kon palmed Tim's ass cheek in one hand, grabbed a pillow for the small of his boyfriend's back with the other and met Tim's gaze. The rope had just barely been long enough and Tim wouldn't be able to stay like this for long, but Kon wouldn't need him to.

Effectively bound into virtual immobility, Tim tested his range of motion and found it mostly gone. All he could do was bend his arms a few degrees, arch his back a little, move his head, and spread or partially close his legs. It was awkward. It was hard to find a comfortable position. It would probably make him sore later. It was hot as hell, and the Boy Wonder bit his bottom lip hard to keep from cumming right there just from the mental images of Kon playing him like an instrument. Tim couldn't have thought of a better way to spread himself out as a defenseless feast for his lover. "Going to fuck me, Kon?" he purred, spreading his legs as wide as he could without his muscles protesting and somehow managing to arch his body to better present his entrance, infinitely grateful for his hard-earned flexibility. Passion-darkened blue eyes watched Kon from under messy bangs, challenging him. "Going to make me scream? I want you to make me scream, Kon. Can you?"

"I can sure as hell try," Kon vowed with vehemence. He leaned forward then, hands finding Tim's ass to knead firm muscles. The action alternately spread and relaxed the twin globes and Kon felt a shudder run through him as he watched that beckoning entrance slip in and out of sight. He'd be buried deep within that hole soon enough, but right now he had a mission and that was getting Tim to scream as loudly as he could.

Superboy's large palms caressed down the backs of his lover's thighs to the knee then slid up their insides until his thumbs touched beneath Tim's balls. He knew how much Tim loved it when Kon rubbed at his perineum, but there would be no gentle stimulation of the prostate tonight. Tonight was about sensual, hardcore fucking. Looking up along Tim's body, Kon grinned and pushed with both thumbs. "Writhe for me, baby. I wanna hear you moan."

A loud gasp ripped its way out of Tim's throat, but there was no moan even as he shuddered so hard the cuffs rattled. Blood trailed down the side of Tim's face from where his canine had pierced his lip in the effort to muffle any sort of noise Kon wanted. When he was able to uncross his eyes again and hear beyond the pounding of his own heart, he rasped, "That was pathetic."

"Really? Because your heartbeat says otherwise." Kon's murmur was right against the very base of Tim's weeping erection and Kon again pushed his thumbs up into the sensitive patch of skin behind Tim's balls, only this time it was accompanied by a long lick up his jerking hard-on that ended in a swirl around the head. Lapping at the leaking slit, Kon began pressing the perineum in a gentle rhythm while lavishing Robin's rock hard dick with long, wide swipes of his tongue.

This time Kon got a moan, long and loud and wanton. There was no way Tim was going to be able to hold back under such an assault, so he didn't even try, completely letting go of the reins. Moan after moan flowed from his panting mouth as he writhed on the bed like a cat in rut, making the most of his small range of motion. "Kon… Kon, fuck! God, please! Fuck me already! Or suck me off! Please!" Everything ached from an overload of pleasure and Tim felt as if he were about to burst, clinging to the edge with the skin of his teeth.

Tim's voice sent a shock of pleasure through Kon's aching member and he moaned as well, mouth hanging open, eyes closed and cheek pressed to the side of Tim's arousal. The pressure to Tim's prostate ceased and Kon's fingers scrambled for the condom and the lube. He'd gotten dexterous enough with his telekinesis to trust that more than his fingers with the application of the condom so while his "extra set of hands" sheathed him in slick latex rubber, the Boy of Steel coated two fingers in lube. The wrapper landed on the mattress and Kon palmed the bobbing erection in front of him, mercilessly pumping it as if he wanted to get Tim off right then. The distraction gave the lubricant time to warm to Kon's body temperature while at the same time affording the panting half-Kryptonian a moment to watch Tim writhe at his mercy. Tim wouldn't be cumming again until Kon let him, which the Boy Wonder would find out soon enough on his own.

"Kon!" Gone was his grip and Tim tumbled over the edge… or, at least, he began to. Something wrapped around the base of his erection and yanked him back from the brink, leaving him gasping as if he had just run a marathon and so needy it hurt. Not something tangible - Kon's TK. "Ghaaah! Kon, you bastard!" Still those wicked fingers pumped him, dragging him back into orgasm, only for the meta's powers to cut him off again before he could claim any relief. "KON!!"

Giving Tim's erection a good squeeze, Kon rose up on his knees and planted that hand next to Tim's heaving side instead. "What's wrong, Tim?" he inquired in mock innocence. His own chest was heaving so the effect was a little spoiled, but Kon didn't really care. A gentle fingertip found Tim's entrance and to his surprise slipped right inside the quivering ring of muscle. Tim was… already wet and mostly loosened. "You crafty little shit," Kon gasped and bowed his head down to Tim's shoulder as lust tore through him. Gritting his teeth, he was forced to clamp a telekinetic cockring around the base of his own straining erection to keep from cumming himself. "I want to hear it. What were you doing to yourself, Tim? Was it that vibrator? Your own fingers?" His voice a low hum against his lover's neck, Kon stretched his finger in deeper and probed.

"W-Wouldn't - Aaaaaaah!" Tim's back desperately tried to arch when Kon pressed his prostate, giving him a taste of pleasure hotter and fiercer than any he had experienced before. Boiling blood rushed to Tim's already scalding flesh, darkening his aroused flush. Vaguely, he noticed that his hands were sticky - he had torn the skin of his palms with his own nails. Dragging the pieces of his mind back together to finish his answer, he gasped out, "Aaah god… Wouldn't you like… like to know?"

As much as he didn't want to… Kon completely withdrew from all contact with Tim. He wanted to know. "Tell me." It was an order, not a request. He was shaking, he was panting, he was hot and horny as all hell, but he had to hear it. He was dying to hear just to what lengths Tim had gone in preparation for this night.

Tim wasn't willing to go down without a fight. "Fuck me first."

Kon's hand immediately stretched out and cupped Tim's balls, giving them a gentle but forceful squeeze. "You promise?"

"Only if you make me scream, Superboy." The smirk tugging up one corner of Robin's bruised and bleeding mouth was evil, beckoning, and hot enough to spontaneously set fire to the air around them.

The knots in the rope instantly unwound, the twisted fiber disappearing in the span of less than a second to be replaced by Kon's hands and TK. Powerful fingers seized Tim's hips and invisible hands pulled Tim's legs up over Kon's shoulders just before the Boy of Steel shoved into Tim's body, burying himself deep in tight heat. Folding Tim up beneath him as he leaned forward, Kon growled low in Tim's ear and started thrusting. All at once, those same invisible hands were everywhere, pinching Tim's nipples, stroking his arousal, fondling his balls and raking over his sides and stomach. He would show Tim just how much of a boy he wasn't and then Tim would tell him what he wanted to know while begging for him to do it all to him again.

Once again, Tim was simultaneously thrown over the edge and yanked back, resulting in an odd mix of scream and frustrated moan. He needed to cum and Kon wasn't letting him and it was driving him CRAZY!! Oh… but it was a good crazy, the kind found only when your lover is screwing you so hard every atom in your body turns into jelly. Kon's large, hot hands were branding his hips; Kon's sharp teeth and vicious lips were littering his neck and shoulder with possessive marks that would be there for days; Kon's telekinesis was caressing every inch of his needy body; Kon's thick, heavy, magma-hot arousal was splitting him in half in the most delicious and addicting of ways as it pounded into him again and again and again. Not knowing what to do in response to the overwhelming influx of sensory information, Tim felt his brain shut down milliseconds before his vision went dark.

Kon was still driving into him when Tim came to, weak and starving for his still denied satisfaction. Each thrust rocked the bed, pounding the headboard against the wall and slapping their skin together hard enough to sting. Suddenly white filled Tim's vision and he screamed in absolute shock, arching beneath his lover so quickly a few joints popped.

The flexion of Tim's body, the spasmodic tightening of his channel, and the boisterous screaming yanked Kon over that same edge as he plunged into Tim's body one last time. His back arched, his mouth fell open and he shuddered with a long, broken moan as he came only seconds behind Robin. His blood was so hot it burned and for the first time in months he was forced to squeeze his eyes tightly shut as his heat vision welled up behind his eyelids. Control and strength gone, Superboy collapsed completely on Robin's body and lay still, sides heaving and mind swimming.

Air rushed out of Tim's lungs - what little air there had been - as Kon fell on top of him and the Boy Wonder grunted, too broken to do anything else. Together the lovers shuddered beneath the force of powerful aftershocks and gasped for breath as their bodies and brains slowly pieced themselves back together after what could only be described as a nuclear orgasm. An eternity later, Tim was able to once again form coherent thought and realized he was still light-headed because Kon's weight was restricting his breathing. Chuckling breathlessly, Tim put his hands on the meta's shoulders and playfully pushed. "Kon… I need to put you on a diet."

"Have I told you how much I absolutely fucking love you?" Kon murmured. It wasn't lost on him that Tim could have slid out of those handcuffs at any time he had wanted to, but instead had let Kon have his way with him. "Fucking. Love." Kon's brain obviously still wasn't fully functional yet, but he did have the sense to carefully remove himself from Tim's body, rolling to the side like so much dead weight.

"Yes, you have." Tim rolled onto his side and draped an arm over his lover's neck, leaning in for a deep, languid kiss. "And I love you, too. Happy birthday, Kon."

The kiss seemed to pull Kon's mind back into some semblance of coherency and Superboy eagerly returned it. When they separated, Kon smiled and rubbed noses with Tim before resting their foreheads together and pulling Tim snugly against him. "Thank you. Now… there was something you were going to tell me."

"Was there?" asked Tim with expertly forged innocence.

"C'mon, baby. I wanna know." Kon nuzzled his way to Tim's ear and nibbled his earlobe. "How did you do it?" he hopefully whispered right into the shell.

"Mm, well…" Kon nibbled his ear again and Tim sighed in bliss, giving in. He had promised to tell if Kon made him scream, and Kon had done his part beautifully; it was only fair to give him his prize. "I started a week ago. I would wait until everyone was asleep before stripping down in my room and lying down on my back with my legs open. Then…" Lowering his voice to a husky whisper, he continued in the meta's ear. "I began to touch myself, imagining that it was you touching me, opening me in preparation for your invasion. My caresses, my fingers became yours, and I would stretch myself until I could take in something as big as you. I did it every night before tonight and right before I kidnapped you to the club, preparing myself just for you, Kon."

The half-Kryptonian gave a powerful shudder and moaned into Tim's ear. The image of Tim splaying out on his bed totally naked and pumping his fingers in and out of himself made him ache all over again. Reaching down between them, Kon pulled the condom from himself and used his telekinesis to send it into the nearby wastebasket. Then that hand found one of Tim's ass cheeks, stroking the smooth skin there. "Just for me," he repeated in a breathy whisper and nuzzled at Tim's neck. "Damn, Tim. You really know how to push my buttons."

Humming, Tim tipped his head back to give Kon more room and stroked calloused fingertips over Kon's sweat-slick back, content to do nothing but wallow in their closeness and the residual pleasure from their mind-bombing sex. "That's because they're so easy to press."

"Yeah, well, what can I say?" he murmured and playfully stuck his tongue into Tim's ear while gently circling Tim's entrance with one lazy finger. He was already half-hard again. "Well, I now know for sure what I want to do for our anniversary."

"Mm, what's that?" A little shiver rippled over Tim's skin and he reached down to tease Kon's hardening length. Another round was a very welcome idea.

Superboy sucked in a sharp breath and his thighs shook at the light, teasing touches to his most sensitive skin. "Everything I said before and lots of this," he murmured and nipped at the Boy Wonder's neck. That careful finger slipped unhindered into Tim's body again, seeking the other boy's prostate. He was already dying to hear Tim's moans again and Robin had only been quiet for a few minutes. Well, he reasoned, at least it was a "safe" addiction. "Sore? And be honest."

"A little. It's kind of hard not to be when you were fucking me hard enough to crack plaster." Hissing in approval when Kon found the sweet spot within him, Tim wriggled and bit down on his lover's shoulder, soothing the mark with long swipes of his tongue. "We better go clean up before we start thinking about a round two."

"Yeah," hummed Tim's lover. Kon pulled his finger free and carefully lifted Tim into his arms as he sat up. Carrying Robin to the bathroom, Superboy gently set him on his feet. "Then maybe this time around… I'll let you do whatever you want with me, hm?" Brushing a gentle kiss to Tim's cheekbone, the Boy of Steel stroked large, warm palms down Tim's sides and settled his cheek against Tim's temple. "You think you're up to that?"

The idea of having Kon tied up and at his mercy was more than enough to bring Tim's half-hard arousal back to full attention. The ropes and blindfold were all he would need to have Kon begging as forcefully for release as Kon had gotten him to, and the Boy Wonder planned to make him beg. Grabbing Kon's hand, Tim cupped it over his filling erection and purred, "What do you think?"

A wide grin splitting his handsome face as he telekinetically turned the shower on, Kon gave Tim's growing length a firm squeeze and a few quick pumps. "I'll take that as a definite yes."

The End

Thought this was hot? Wait until you see what Tim has planned for their first year anniversary! Read Anniversary and find out!

pairing: superboy x robin, one-shot, slash, story: rebirthday, pairing: tim x kon, pwp, fandom: dcu

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