Learning and Loving - Chapter 04

Feb 12, 2009 19:17

Pairing: Robin / Starfire (Teen Titans Cartoon)
Rating: R (overall)
Author's Notes / Warnings: Raven abuse, pure and simple. It's her own fault for walking past Star's room while Robin's in there.

Summary: A few innocent (and some not so innocent) questions lead Robin and Starfire to finally act on their mutual attraction.

Chapter Four

"Hey," murmured Dick as he shut Kory's door behind him many hours later, locking it before moving over to sit next to her on the bed and loop an arm around her waist. "You did good today, finding Control Freak so fast."

"It was only the luck," Kory murmured and leaned against him, her heart constricting with emotion as she breathed his scent in and let out a deep sigh. "I am just glad that we were able to put an end to that needless chaos."

"Yeah. Well, hopefully this time he won't manage to escape. Maybe we should go check out the jail's security tomorrow." Dick kissed Kory's temple and gave her a squeeze, his supple leather gauntlets not even creaking at the movement of his fingers. "I'm sorry our little trip got cut short."

"There is nothing to apologize for, Dick. You could not control Control Freak any more than I can control the evolution of my powers." Reaching over, Kory traced the R on his chest with her fingertip. "I enjoyed our little trip very, very much and wish to do that again very, very much."

Dick smiled. "Good, because we left all our stuff at the beach, so we have a perfectly good excuse to go back. Speaking of your powers, did you feel them acting up again during the fight?"

"No. Not at all." Pulling away, Kory rose and moved over to her closet and the drawers within it. "Will you stay the night?"

"That depends. Will you make it worth my while?" he teased.

"Do I not always make it worth your while?" Kory asked with a little teasing note in her own voice. Glancing over her shoulder, Kory hooked her thumbs into the sides of her loosened skirt and let the garment fall to the floor. She had had a little time to think about Dick's moment of pause when she had changed into her suit for bathing and she was curious to see if her conclusions were correct.

Even though Dick's mask hid his eyes, they couldn't hide his appreciative stare or the mischievous wickedness that pulled up one corner of his mouth into a smirk. "Yes, you do," he practically purred, his voice deeper and rougher than usual in anticipation.

With a triumphant smirk, Kory tossed her shirt onto the same pile and set her bracers on their pillow on the tipped self above her column of drawers. That done, she dug into one of the drawers and pulled out a fresh set of pajamas and turned to Dick. "I am going to make use of the shower. Would you also care to wash away the sea?"

"That sounds like a good idea." Unable to resist the temptation that was Kory in nothing save her underwear, Dick rose to his feet and strode towards her, cupping her face as he leaned up for a hungry kiss. "I'll go grab my things and meet you there," he murmured against her lips when they broke for air many minutes later and unwound his arms from around Kory's torso.

"Yes," the Tamaranian Princess agreed and watched him go. Her heart light, Kory dropped her pajamas on the end of the bed and stripped to nothing, then pulled on the robe that Raven had insisted she wear when heading to the shower. Satisfied that she was as she should be to head to their communal shower, Starfire snatched up her clothing and flew mere inches off the ground to the bathroom. She would be ready for when Robin arrived she decided and threw off the robe so that she could step into the shower stall. The water would be to the hot side of warm when Robin arrived and he could adjust it as he saw fit from there. Filled with tingling nerves and excitement at the prospect of what awaited them beneath the water's spray, Kory closed her eyes and turned her head face up into the spray leaving her back to the shower curtain.

The quiet rustle of the shower curtain being pushed aside heralded Dick's arrival. There was a moment of silence as he took in the enthralling sight of Kory's naked form from behind, soon followed by calloused hands settling on her hips as warm lips brushed the side of her neck. "Beautiful." Light fingertips trailed up the middle of her back to the nape of her neck, pushing wet hair to the side and over one shoulder to bare more of her throat to Dick's questing mouth. "Absolutely beautiful."

"You are very flattering to a girl's ego," Kory mumbled with a pleased blush as she lowered her chin to give Dick all the room he wanted. "I believe the phrase is I will wash your back if you wash mine."

"Sounds good." Dick gave Kory's neck one last kiss and let her go, reaching for the bath soap and a body sponge. After working the soap into a rich lather on the sponge, he began to work the suds over Kory's back, starting at her shoulders. Dick found himself almost hypnotized as he watched the white foam trickle down the contours of her back.

It was a luxurious sensation to have Dick's hands caressing her back with the sponge and light fingertips. By the time he was finished and gently turning her by the shoulders so that the spray of the shower could rinse the soap from her skin, Kory was more relaxed than she could remember being in a very long time. "Thank you," she hummed on a contented sigh as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close.

Heat flashed in Dick's eyes as he swallowed a gasp at the press of Kory's water-slick body against his own, feeling as if he had just been struck by lightning. There was no cloth to act as a barrier between her soft breasts and his hard chest, and Dick could almost hear his brain turning into a happy incoherent puddle; he could hear his heart pounding in his ears as it beat a furious tattoo within his chest. "You're welcome," he husked, winding his arms around Kory's waist.

Closing the last little bit of distance between them with one small half-step, Kory let her body settle completely against Dick's, every plane of skin and valley of muscle fitting neatly together like pieces from a puzzle. The press of hot, hardening flesh against her lower abdomen sent a wash of arousal straight to her core and the Tamaranian shivered in his arms. "It seems that your body wishes to be equally as flattering to a girl's ego," she purred and dragged her tongue along the outermost ridge of his ear.

"That's not hard to do when the girl's you," Dick purred back as he tilted his head to give Kory more room, shuddering and closing his eyes to more easily focus on feeling everything. Hungry hands swept up and down Kory's back, ending their journey with a squeeze to the alien girl's delectable rear, pulling their groins closer together and sandwiching his arousal between them. The sheer pleasure would have made him cross his eyes had they been open. "God, Kory…"

Letting her hands slowly slip down his chest, over his ribs and around his sides to wind firmly about Dick's waist, Kory took a step back. Pleased when he followed, the Tamaranian Princess moved gradually backward until her shoulders and Dick's hands met with the slick, cool tiles of the shower's wall. Arms resettling about his neck, Kory whispered in his ear. "Kiss me." It was part order and part request.

Dick didn't need to be told twice, gladly attacking Kory's mouth with a passion.

Outside in the hallway just outside the showers, Raven tripped over her own feet as she was practically bulldozed by a wave of intense emotion. Eyes huge with shock, she stared at the showers door once she had recovered, unable to believe what she had just sensed. What she was still sensing. "Damn, Beast Boy hadn't been lying," she muttered under her breath, sidestepping to the other side of the hallway and hurrying to her room, needing to meditate and clear her head.

"Raven!" Beast Boy chirped as she rounded the corner. He had been about to knock on her door when he'd sensed her coming. "Cyborg and I were going to start a game of stank ball and were wondering if you'd… Uh, Raven? Raven?!" The door slammed in his face, leaving him bewildered on the hallway side. "Uhhhhhh…"

"Well? Is she coming?" called Cyborg from the common room.

"Uh… No. I think she needs to be left alone… Or something," Beast Boy answered and trotted down the hall with only a few backward glances. Something in him - probably the same sixth sense most household pets carried - told him that she really needed some quiet time.


Many Weeks Later


Sighing in annoyance, Dick entered Kory's room and sat on the bed. "Cyborg put cameras in the hanger." The hanger had been the last room in the Tower outside of their rooms and the showers where they had been able to tryst without fear of getting caught, and it had finally been taken from them to further Cyborg and Beast Boy's mission to catch them in the act.

"What?! No!" Kory spun from where she had been tucking Silkie into his bed, her eyes wide with distress. "That is not fair!" She moved to stand before Dick in a few short steps and gazed imploringly down at him. "That leaves us with only the beach, the bathing room and our bedrooms!"

"I know." Dick sighed again and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees.

"Perhaps it is time to simply… tell them?"

Dick wasn't really all that surprised to hear Kory make the suggestion. He had actually been considering telling the others for a while, especially since it was getting harder and harder to hide their relationship. Yes, it would be safer for the team if his and Kory's relationship was kept secret, but that had the potential to cause resentment within the team if and when they were accidentally found out. In the end, it was a toss up between safety and team harmony, and Dick was leaning towards maintaining team harmony. "Are you sure you want to?"

"Yes!" Kory's nod was firm. "I believe that it will be best in the end. And then we will no longer have to hide to enjoy each other."

"Alright. We can tell them at dinnertime."

"Wonderful!" Dick immediately found his lap full of an exuberant Tamaranian and his neck graced with the embrace of two graceful arms. "And until the dinner we will do what?" The question was more a tease than an actual inquiry.

Smirking, Dick circled Kory's hips with his hands and pulled her closer until their torsos were flush to one another. "I think you already know the answer to that."

Unable to contain herself, a squeal of delight overtook her throat and she pushed him to the bed with a gentle force. "It is still only polite to make sure," she informed him even as her lips found his pulse.

Half a second later, Kory found herself flipped onto her back with Dick hovering over her, her wrists bound in one of his gauntleted hands. "Sometimes it's fun to not be polite," he said with a grin as he began to undo the collar of Kory's top, baring her neck.

"If this is not being polite then I wish you to be very not polite to me, Dick." Kory's grin was large and mischievous as she tugged without any force at all at his grip on her wrists.

Textured leather fingertips brushed over Kory's now bared neck, sliding up to cup her jaw as Dick leaned forward, his lips floating just a few millimeters above hers. "You're asking for a very dangerous thing."

"When it is with you, Dick, I live for danger." As if in echo of her very fierce and heartfelt statement - a vow in its own right that she would never abandon him no matter the trouble or threat - Starfire's eyes began to glow the same fierce green that had met his gaze so many months ago when she had first arrived on Earth an escaped slave of a horrible alien lizard-race.

His grin became almost predatory. "Good." In one instant, Dick attacked Kory's mouth in an almost bruising kiss and lowered his body onto hers, pressing her deep into the mattress. He broke the kiss just long enough to pull the gauntlet off his free hand with his teeth, tossing it to the side as he dove for Kory's lips again and roughly cupped her breast.

His kiss was met with an equal hunger and Kory arched into his hand with a moan. Dick was equally learning how to play her body like a musical instrument, and he seemed to find great amounts of satisfaction in the multitude of sounds he could pull from her body. Spreading her legs so that he could settle between, Kory wrapped them tightly around his hips and ground up, knowing he would at least be hardening for her if he was not hard already.

Eventually they had to part for air and Dick's hot gasps fanned Kory's own lax mouth. "You have two options," he husked, biting her lower lip. "Option one is you take off your clothes while I watch. Option two…" He squeezed her breast and bit her again. "I take your clothes off while you stay completely relaxed and not move unless I tell you to."

"If it pleases you, x'orna, I will take the first option." Kory's eyelids drooped, hooding her green eyes from him in a look that could only have been called seductive.


Raven sighed in relief as her mind finally became clear of the huge emotional tangle that had been forced on her a few hours ago when she had passed by Starfire's door. It seemed very ironic to her how hard Robin and Starfire were working to keep their relationship secret, yet she could always tell when they were trysting. It would also have been amusing if sensing them didn't always leave her with strange urges and a massive headache.

"Everyone, could you please come to the common room? I have an announcement to make," sounded Robin's voice over the Tower's PA.

Lowering her feet to the ground out of her meditative position, Raven strode towards her door, muttering under her breath, "About time."


Translation Notes:

x'orna - beloved, lover, darling

fandom: dcau, story: learning and loving, pairing: dick x kory, pairing: robin x starfire, het

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