Nov 30, 2006 20:07
Of course i gave myself time to cool off before posting. i'm at my aunts and other than the lack of privacy that can usually be solved by staying in my room, this place is really perfect. it may not be fancy but it's my clean and well lighted place. When evil comes from outside and disturbs my peace here however, it's really what hell would be like. I may be exaggerating but some people should really mind their own business. My aunt's friend seems to always be here lately and her excuse would be that she is waiting for the bus. (this place happens to be at a bus stop) Now my aunt has complained to me before since this lady has shown up at 11 pm and sometimes later to shelter from the winter hostility. lately, i've seen this woman everyday and she takes up the kitchen, the living room, my room, the bathroom, everywhere. All she finds to do of her time is comment on my weight, the current untidy state of my room, the way which i spend my time, my friends and she is always prying into my private life. she has brought me at least 30 self help books in the past week. now i appreciate her wanting to help me feel good but how much does she know about me? she brought me a book called "how to make friends and influence people" which i kind of wanted to throw at the back of her head when she turned to sit in my spot on the couch. now maybe i do have problems integrating myself, i actually can admit to that but it's uncomfortable hearing it from a total stranger. I've been giving her hints all week and she just doesn't understand that i'd just rather not talk to her about my issues and maybe seek either professional help or my aunt's help. Sometimes people would rather open up than have someone put them on the spot all the time.