Nov 09, 2005 03:13
So i think that my evil annoying X and I will not be working together this season at the store... when i got wind of the fact that she hasnt been seen around there in a while and is also not showing up on the schedule i let out a yelp of joy!!! one less bit of BS drama i will have to deal with, not that i would let her stop me from working with my friends, it was just going to be a rather mild annoyance, but now it seems that I dont even have to worry about how to avoid her!!! yay!!!
In other x news I am supposed to be getting my stuff back... today actually, but if not that issue will get alot more complicated and ugly... bleh!!! to be honest that relationship was a mistake, sure it had its fun times (dont all relationships?) but over all i put in a good deal of time and money with no real return. whatever f-it, im doing much better now, im happy with my life, im making great new friends, and i dont have the stresses of money to bring me down, hell i even have my degree!!! I think things are on the up and up for once... cant wait to see what tomorrow will bring!