I have seriously been trying to limit drama this semester to my own personal issues (i dont believe that you can completely eliminate drama in ones life but seriously decrease it if you try) and no matter what it seems to come back, and I am faced with these major dillemmas that i personally never seem to know the right way to react, like check this one out.
So there was this girl that i was friends with last year that we had a falling out... i dont know why any more to be honest, but we just got in a fight over something and she doesnt like me now, its happened before with other people, sometimes people dont get along, that doesnt mean they have to push their feelings onto everyone else. This girl is mean to my friends that know me (very rude to them) and talks shit about me STILL to people i dont even know. I even had a friend of mine who still hangs out with her tell me that she couldnt talk to me when I called because she was with this person... what the $%*#???? so chilidish... and in all honesty i pretty much let it go (as much as i wanted to go knock on her door and bitch her out for being an annoying little sh*t) but as life goes, u cant ignore stuff forever. My good friend Nate is still friends with her, and he invite her to his birthday party, the same party that apparently he wanted me to help plan. I was a bit bothered by this, but since its his birthday and about him not about me, i decided to IM this girl and be tell her plainly to cut out the ignoring me crap and talk to me so that we could both coexist at Nates party. She decided to take the obviously more mature route and block me in addition to telling a friend of mine whom she hasnt talked to in ages to let me know that she blocked me and didnt want to talk to me.
So here is the dillemma, where to go now? My friend Nate wants me to bring alot of people that I am good friends with (like
angelshortcake) however if this girl is not able to be mature enough to talk to me about whats up, i will not allow my friends to be around her, why? she is going to be either rude to them, or she is going to start talking shit about me at the party.
So here is the dillemma, is it right for me (or rather the more mature thing) to tell my friend that I am not coming and my friends are not either because i dont want there to be a fight or them to have to deal with her bull sh*t drama? Thoughts?