I'm alive

May 30, 2006 17:26

I took a hiatus for a couple days.

AKA, I had shitloads of work to do...but I procrastinated a lot (did do a lot Monday, I suppose!)

a tiny hiatus from webness (but not for some iconness ^_^) until June 2434343..or whenever school ends.

Ahh..less than a month, that's crazy.


- reschedule road test
- return my overdue library books
- study for SAT Subjects:
Math 2
Chem (or maybe US History or Math 1?) hehe..
- Die.

Hopefully the dying won't be happening anytime soon (then again, that would relieve a lot of stress o.O )

Anyways, hope everyone has a nice day - I'm sorry I haven't been commenting.

(and I really need to make that icon for you Townsend :) )
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