we are funny

Mar 02, 2005 20:10

adefningsilence: what will you do without your xbox
IdiotequeEvan: DIE, I WILL JUST DIE
adefningsilence: you are such a hardass
IdiotequeEvan: durock weighs more than me, motherfuker
adefningsilence: durock?
IdiotequeEvan: cement board, you screw it onto wood to make a "wall"
IdiotequeEvan: its just a brand name, like ping pong
adefningsilence: kleenex
adefningsilence: FRISBEEE
IdiotequeEvan: and condom
adefningsilence: no...
adefningsilence: what else would you call them
IdiotequeEvan: yessss
IdiotequeEvan: MEAT BAG
adefningsilence: oh god
adefningsilence: no no
IdiotequeEvan: hahah
IdiotequeEvan: but anyway, i did alot of manly work, and i am no man or big
adefningsilence: that brings a terrible picture to mind
IdiotequeEvan: so it was hard on my sensetive skin
adefningsilence: haha
adefningsilence: too much sun
IdiotequeEvan: sensitive
IdiotequeEvan: **
IdiotequeEvan: yeah really
adefningsilence: if man is five
adefningsilence: then the devil is six
adefningsilence: and if the devil is six then
adefningsilence: GOD IS SEVEN
IdiotequeEvan: and god is seve
IdiotequeEvan: shutup
adefningsilence: GOD IS SEVEN YES GOD IS SEVEN
adefningsilence: shut it
adefningsilence: you shut it shutface fucktardassclowncockgobbler
IdiotequeEvan: what is four?
IdiotequeEvan: kittens?
adefningsilence: not in the song
IdiotequeEvan: :(
IdiotequeEvan: then... this may be heresy, but i'd like to know who 8 is
adefningsilence: HERETIC
adefningsilence: HERITIC
adefningsilence: yessss
IdiotequeEvan: first one
adefningsilence: 8 is 7+1
adefningsilence: and 1 is like slime
adefningsilence: so 8 is a very slimy god
adefningsilence: there
IdiotequeEvan: thats where i was going
adefningsilence: no it wasnt
IdiotequeEvan: or god, with the power of SLIME
IdiotequeEvan: "that god is such a fucker" -SLIME!
adefningsilence: i'm ashamed but for some reason i thought about how slime isnt worth that much then i tho ught about terrible card games and i was like slime has like 1 hp
IdiotequeEvan: that would keep me in line, not some archeic rulebooks
adefningsilence: no
IdiotequeEvan: archaeic?
IdiotequeEvan: archeaic?
IdiotequeEvan: no
adefningsilence: archaic
IdiotequeEvan: armchair
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