GOSH. I'm getting annoyed from this stupid HTML shit.
It can suck my dick.
Stupid fruitcake!
If you look at my layout
dreamxofxhimAnd click the MYSPACE link. its fucked up.
Help me?
got it. thanks to the love of my life.
OKAY. I went to the doctor's today.
She said it does have to do with my gall bladder.
And that I should get an ultra sound.
So next week Friday.
At 7:15am.
I'm hardly out of the shower at that time.
My next appt. where my doctor and I will get aquainted.
She'll probably make me get some blood work done.
So I'll have to get poked.
like 100 times.
That shit is crazy.
And the needle is so thick!
But whatever its cool.
I'm getting back into the whole school mode.
I love how I'm like, focused on my plans after highschool.
I'm still trying to figure out where I want to go.
I'm still thinking UGA(University of Georgia).
But I dont want to be a Graphic Artist.
I want to be a social worker.
Because I love helping people.
Not just because I'm some crazed people pleaser.
But because it makes me feel better.
I just want to make a difference.
And I dont care what anybody thinks.
"it doesnt pay that much? ... how are you suppose to make a living? ... how are you supposed to support yourself?"
I'm wasnt put in this world to meet other's wants and needs.
Not being selfish.
But its all about me.
And in your life.
Its all about you.
But its cool.
I'm just trying to get by.
The best way that I can.
And its working. So far.
Because I'm still around.