Sep 30, 2010 11:09
I have to say that as of right now, my life couldn't be any brighter. I'm working really hard at my job, it's not all peachy but I learn more everyday. I work tonight and i'm pretty pumped so we'll see how it goes. Every piece of my heart belongs to Michael. No one has ever made me feel quite like he does, it's mind blowing to say the least. I never thought it could be like this in a million years. If I had any idea it would be, I would have stayed single and waited for him the whole way. I hope we stay like this forever, because I could definitely get used to him right next to me always. Mom just got a new job working for the state so home has been kinda crazy, and it seems like nobody is all there at the same time. It will be better this winter when things have slowed down a bit. Saturday Mindy, Marty, and I are going out to lunch before I have to work so i'm really looking forward to that. It shall be fun I think, i'm happy to be spending so much time with her lately. Without a doubt she's one of my very best friends. There was just a spider on my ceiling, when i tried to kill it with my shoe it came down and I lost it. I'm determined to find it, so I better go =)