Oct 04, 2004 21:19
hey all you artsy kids who have way more talent than i do... anyone wanna be cool and make me some sort of black and white picture / art / shit for my (absolutely bare) walls? and while youre at it, paint a picture for gianni.
oh man. i just cant stand living with plain walls. its driving me crazy. anyone who makes me something for my walls will get first dibs on my organs when i die. believe me. one of you is going to need a kidney transplant one day. be smart and plan ahead.
im gonna go find some pictures of gay boys to hang on my walls until i get some art for the walls. im sure my dad will just be so fond of the gay boys.
sleeping in my closet was actually pretyt cozy. minus the freezing part. and the part where i smacked my head off of the wall. i might just move into there permanently.
i bought fairy (faerie if youre one of those obsessive compulsive types) wings today. im not sure why. maybe ill wear them to a random place. like walmart. or to alexanders. or wrestling. im sure fairy wings would be so over there.
god im on such a melissa auf der maur kick lately. i love that chick. with a passion. even if she did work with the wench of all wenches at one point in time.
now stop reading this and go and paint me and gianni some pictures bitch!