laptop_mechanic, I can finally one-up you...
I will hazard a guess that you've never had one of your customer's computers catch fire on you...
Customer brings in a machine, thinks the power supply may be bad. I tell him I'll check it out after I eat dinner and give him a call...
So I'm noshing my Taco Bell and decide to go ahead and hook it up on my bench, making sure the handy power switch on the power supply is off and giving it a quick visual inspection... Dusty, but otherwise, no weirdness.
So I flip the switch on, and nothing happens, which is as it should be....
Then I hit the power button on the front of the system and there is a "POP" and then smoke starts POURING out the back of the power supply while I yell "HOLY SHIT!" and Heather comes running. By the time I hit the switch and yank the power cord out (we're talking tenths of a second here,) there are flames licking out the back...
It quickly went out, but EWwwwwwwwwwwwwww..... STINKY!
Ah, the life of a computer store owner. Said power supply now has all the power leads chopped off.