"Only you can turn my eloquence into banality..."

Apr 28, 2005 19:06

"Only you can make the important things in to trivialities..."

Last night after a long DB meeting Andy and I made fried matzah (aka Matzah fry, or Matzah bry depending on where you're from). After we successfully didn't burn the apartment down we sat in the living room and played "the question game" for about an hour. Hilarity... we talked alot about baseball, weird foods, bad movies, and good dates... all the while i should have been studying for my test today. (side note: the question game always reminds me of Tom and our crazy junior year in the 'leeg office... hehe)

Today was the MAT i've been dreading. It was 120 analogies about any subject possible. It made my brain hurt. It was great though running into la salle people while i was there. I had lunch with jess and graham, and while i was there Julia, Carrie, Greg, Heather and Michelle joined us for breif periods of time. It totally made everything better. I had been stressing out all morning because i couldn't seem to get higher than a 62% on the test, so a lunch of chinese truck and dramatic readings of dan savage (along with the typical storytelling banter than is the masque crowd) was totally needed. I also ran into libby and peach. I got the latest collegian gossip and got to chat with two of my favorite (now former) editors.

Dining out for life tonight and then tin angel with snazz!
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