
Jun 10, 2005 02:15

Uhhhh Today was alittle better. I dont know I just dont feel like talking about Brad anymore. It depresses me and I am trying to get over him and wipe him out of my life completely. I slept in until 1...Lol. I think I went to bed around 1 about 12 hours of sleep which is cool. I didnt do too much today, trying to take things slow and compose myself before I let the change process.

I give a HUGE thanks to those who've been here for me through this. I really appreciate it. *hugs* Kind of sad today cause I barely got to talk to James today. Since I went shoppping from 1:30 till 4:30 and then went swimming with Joe Peace and James had to leave for work at 9:30, it was kind of hard. I did talk to him for alittle bit though :-) He is such a nice guy and we have so much incommon so far. He is such a hottie too :-) I dont know. I dont want to go on too fast and he's been here for me alot. I am really scared of it now. Ahhh well we'll see. "One day at a time"

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy! Well like I said I went shopping today. Yeah like 3 hours of it :-) Helped my mood. Well I bought 4 new PS2 games, a MP3 Player, a pair of sandals, and a new pair of pants! Today was spend alot of money day. Lol. And boy did I spend alot of money! :-(  Still got more thats the good thing. I bought Second Sight, Galerians:Ash, Shadow Hearts:Covenant, and Sonic Heroes! Lol. They all look so good. I really like my pants and my sandals are cool. The MP3 player, the MP3 player............... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. It was a pain in my ass! I spent about an hour trying to find out how to do it all :-) I can be slow. Well I deleted Kazaa and Rhapsody...canceled it too. I went on a quest to find a new downloading thing. My search ended up with a damn good one too. My favorite so far. Its called LimeWire and I subscribe for just 1 year with movies. ( more money ) I figured it all out and boy was I releived. I also upgraded my realplayer to the latest version and became  a special thingy to it.. forget its name. My MP3 player was only 5 some mega and that is changing later today. Going to go make it 1 gig.

Yeah so about my downloading shit. I got to go also and buy more memory for my PC, probably going to get a couple more gigs. And some other upgrade to make it go faster. Anyways I have downloaded 378 songs so far, started downloading the entire second season of QAF and the entire Witch Hunter Robin series too. I love it. I cant wait for them all to be done. Only reason why its taking so long is b/c some of them need moe resources or the person who is the source is using dail up. Damn dial up! I want T1 or T3.... Lol. T1 is 300/month. Satelittle internet is 100/month and T3 I have no idea.

Got to get a new and another job and I got to talk to Dave about the video game thing he is going to open sometime in late July! How exciting. So far I've decided though when I turn 18 I am going to be a stripper for The Mixx! :-) How funny is that. The one manager there asked me to talk to him when I turn 18. Lol. I was happy, real confidence booster. Need to work out more.....Lol :-P

( episode 4 and 15 done! for QAF! ) I need to head to bed soon. My dad leaves in the morning and I need to go to the store again. From what I know I have alot of plans tommorow, just dont know which ones I want to do. My luck I'll get stuck here somehow. Ohhh well more downloads and video games.... If i can play them yet.

Well If I am busy tommorow I probably wont be online or at least wont write in my journal for a couple of days. I got plans saterday, sunday, monday, and tuesday for sure so far. Most of them consist of me being gone sooo my pc is out of question. I think I'll even shut my pc down. Give it a rest. Lol. I should. I am going to.

Well this boi is out I am going to put the tv on and then pass out.



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