Brad has been gone for 3 days, and I miss him so much. I just feel so depressed. I'm not used to dating someone and having them far enouph away that we barely talk not see each other. I am a clingy person and its really hard for me.
Last night was sooo fucking bad. I mean I had fun, but something happen that just pissed me off and ruined my day. I hung around with Danielle all night, which was cool. Well Joe Peace just like showed up and I decided to hang with him. Thinkining that he would just act normal, since I told him over and over again that I dont like him that way, and that I love Brad. I WAS WRONG! He ended up staying the night along with Danielle, we watched Sweetest Thing... that movie is fucking great!!!!!!!!! PENIS SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Too big to fit in here.................. :-o Well before we came back to my house, we all hung out with Chritine ( Stephanie Steele's sister, Anneta and a couple of other people. Didnt stay long, got kind of boring and odd. Anyways! Joe tattooed I luv Jt on both of his ancles!!!!! To top it all off he even told me that he loved me!!!!!!!!!!! OMG like that is beyond crossing the line. GRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I was soo pissed. I am done being nice to any gay guys that like me! Even if they dont like me. You dont tell somone you love them when they already have a boyfreind, he barely even knows me. I just hope he dont start stalking me!!!! :-a I am done being nice to him. I just feeel bad for Brad. I am going to let Brad do what he wants to Joe, and I dont think it'll be good. I feel like a total asshole though. I shouldnt have been hypocritical, and have Joe stay in the first place! Thank God Brad is Brad! Any regular guy would've left me already. Lol. I LOVE YOU BABES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ 4-Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I so decided to still move to Pittsburgh, as long as brad and I together and are in a good place in our relationship. We will be, I hope. :-)
I love this song!!!!!!!!!!! SOMEBODY TOLD ME, The Killers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Somebody Told Me
Breaking my back just to know your name
Seventeen tracks and I've had it with this game
I'm breaking my back just to know your name
But heaven ain't close in a place like this
Anything goes but don't blink you might miss
Cause heaven ain't close in a place like this
I said heaven ain't close in a place like this
Bring it back down, bring it back down tonight
Never thought I'd let a rumor ruin my moonlight
Well somebody told me
You had a boyfriend
Who looked like a girlfriend
That I had in February of last year
It's not confidential
I've got potential
Ready? Let's roll onto something new
Taking its toll and I'm leaving without you
Cause heaven ain't close in a place like this
I said heaven ain't close in a place like this
Bring it back down, bring it back down tonight
Never thought I'd let a rumor ruin my moonlight
Well somebody told me
You had a boyfriend
Who looked like a girlfriend
That I had in February of last year
It's not confidential
I've got potential
A rushin', a rushin' around
Pace yourself from me
I said maybe baby please
But I just don't know now
When all I wanna do is try
Somebody told me
You had a boyfriend
Who looked like a girlfriend
That I had in February of last year
It's not confidential
I've got potential
A rushin', a rushin' around
I finally beat the first game to Growlanser! Ahhhhh the last battle was a pain in my butt! Now I just got to finish XenoSaga 2 and the other disc to Growlanser! MY BOI got my Suikoden 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 AHHHHhhhhhhhhhh. Wish he didnt have to ask though! Lol.
Work was quite boring! Had alot of people, kinda. Played alittle bit of XenoSaga 2 and Growlanser.
OMG!!!!!! IMPORTANT! My driving instructor called me last night about my schooling. I have to miss school on Monday to reget my permit so I can go in at 3 to finish my last 2 hours of class, and take the written exam. After that he wants to take me driving and to get all the driving done withint 2-3 days, but he said I can take my time!!!!!! OMG SOOO COOLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!! Just got to get 150 to pay for the schooling. Wish my parents would pay for it, should talk to my mom about that. Maybe even my boss could pay for it. Doubtfully, I'd never ask. Lets just hope it all goes well. I might have my lisence by this coming Friday or sometime next week. WOW!!!!
This drawing is sooooo cool! From
So is this! Same*
Damn these are great! Same*
What I would do to draw like this!
Fucking Gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!! Well Peeps I am out for now.
Blessed Be!