(no subject)

Mar 22, 2005 19:52

Name: Kristen
Age: 15
Birthday: August 3, 1989
Sex: Absolutely! Er... Female.
Location: Cincinnati, isn't it just peachy?
Siblings: Indeed, a sister.
Pets: 3: Bird, dog, and satan.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Nope. (Grr...)
If so, how long: ...Oh, fuck you.
Hair: Generally, ::raises eyebrow curiously:: Colour? Brownish.
Eyes: Oh, doesn't everyone have something to say about my eyes!?
Height: is lacking.
Weight: 110? I dunno, I don't actually own a scale.
Shoe Size: 7

Color: Red
Food: Chocolate. No. Mashed potatoes. No... everything?
Drink: Coffee!
Flower: Orange roses.
Perfume/Cologne: Um... Good smelling kinds?
Scent: Citrus or Lavendar.
Shirt: (Not Buffy's from "Chosen"!)
Shoes: None. Hurrah barefeet!
Movie: Currently? Saved!
TV Show: Buffy.
Actor: David Boeanez, James Marsters, and Johnny Depp!!!
Actress: Alyson Hannigan
Band: Again I say, currently? Cibo Matto.
Singer: Sarah McLachlan, Frou Frou, Bif Naked, and Butterfly Boucher.
Song: Under Your Spell, Full of Grace, and Another White Dash.
CD: My Buffy mix from Claire.
Genre of Music: Everything but Country, Rap, and Country Rap. ::cringe::
Book: Sinner, by Sara Douglass.
Magazine: None.
Number: 27!!!
Word: Lozenge!
Letter: Maybe S?
Animal: Ducks!
Place: My room or Claire's house.
Weather: Cool with wind of a non-crew-ell variety.
Day of the Week: Saturday!
Day of the Year: Halloween.

Coke/Pepsi: Coke. Diet variety.
Diet/Regular soda: Diet with Coke, regular everything else.
Cheese/Pepperoni: Cheese!
Black/White: Black. (That's like choosing Faith or Buffy. Duh! It's Faith!)
Night/Day: Night.
Summer/Winter: Summer.
Spring/Fall: Spring. Fall is icky and school-ish. (I'm going verbatim with Mark on this one.)
Rock/Rap: Rock. Except for Kevin Gnapoor. (And this one!)
Red Sox (Sorry Claire)/Yankees: I really don't care much, but I'll say Yankees for Claire and Mark.
Shoes/Sandals: None? But sandals between the two.
Knife/Fork: Definitely spork.
Pretty in Pink/Sixteen Candles: Neither?
Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings: Oh good Joss! Oh course it's Lord of the Rings! What sort of question is that! Blasphemers...
Titanic/Pearl Harbor: Titanic.
Simple Plan/Bowling For Soup: Bowling for Soup. 1985, gotta love that song.
Michelle Branch/Vanessa Carlton: Michelle Branch... Tabula Rasa!
Ashlee/Jessica Simpson: Ashlee. But neither is amazing, I'm just siding with the one who sings "LaLa" and isn't married to Nick Lachey.
Sum 41/Good Charlotte: Ew.
Spice Girls/Hanson: Oh! Spice Girls! "Wannabe" anyone?
Hillary Duff/Lindsay Lohan: Lindsay Lohan!!!
Eminem/50 Cent: Eminem. He has talent unlike my other choice.
Kisses/Hugs: Both.
Cat/Dog: Dogs.
Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate!
Sing/Dance: Oh, I can't decide...
Long Hair/Short Hair: Long.
Tall/Short: Short. Unlike Mark.
Pink/Red: Red, except on Wednesdays.
Blue/Green: Green.
Friends/That 70s Show: Either-or.
the O.C./One Tree Hill: Oh Joss, the O.C. or One Tree Hill? That like choosing between two separate Hells!
NSYNC/Backstreet Boys: Puh-lease! NSYNC, hands down.

Phone Call: Probably Sara.
IM: Emma!
Conversation: Em.
Word you said: Ow.
Key you typed: .
Song you heard: "Know Your Chicken"- Cibo Matto.
CD you played: Viva! La Woman- Cibo Matto
Time you showered: Couple of hours ago.
Movie seen in theaters: Um, Harry Potter 3? It's been awhile.
Movie rented: The Notebook!
Concert Attended: N'Sync. I'm sad and pathetic and deprived! ::cries::
Food: Cookies!
Beverage: Sprite.
Person you yelled at: Probably myself, actually.
Stupid thing you said: Too many to remember the last one.
Time you laughed: About an hour and a half ago.
Time you cried: Over the weekend.
Time you danced: About 5 minutes ago.

Song: Theme- Cibo Matto.
Food: None.
Drink: None.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Do you *like* rubbing this in my face?!
Crush: Oh, Joss. What a complicated question...
Happiness: Music!
Sadness: My friends going to London and me not going to London. Blah.
Craving: 'Thonnage!
Annoyance: French studying that I have yet to do.
Clothes: Pajamas! (What else do I wear?)
Hair: Wavy-crazy-crazy. But it's about to be straightened!
Makeup?: Nope.
Conversations: on AIM with Em.
Time: 8:25
Date: March 22, 2005.

Immediate family(names/relation): Mom, Dad, and Allison
Do you get along: That's a day-to-day issue really.
Why/Why not: DNA dictates the disagreement. And various sticks up various asses.
Extended family(names/relation): Pssht. Like I'm gonna write all of that.
Do you get along: I guess.
Why/Why not: They're insane Christian or in Pennsylvania. Go figure.
Most annoying thing about your family: Breathing?
Least annoying thing about you family: Funny.
Best friends: Claire, Sara, Em, and Mark! Go 'Thonnage group!
Knows the most about you: Sara.
Knows the least about you: Probably Mark (of my best friends) but that'll probably change.
Known the longest: Um, Em, Lily, and Chris. First day with Mr. Becker!
Known the shortest: Mark.

What is:
Your Middle Name: Lee.
Your Ethnic Backround: German, English, Scottish, and a little bit Irish. And German!
The Nicest Thing Somebody Has Done For You: Er... I dunno. Lots.
The Meanest Thing Somebody Has Done To You: Let's not discuss my old school, shall we?
Your Dad's Mom's Mom's Name: Lydia. I think.
The Name of Your First Pet: Willie!
The Lowest Thing You've Ever Done: Oh, there's a list.

.:For or Against:.
War in Iraq: AGAINST!
Gay Marriage: Abso-fucking-lutely for!
Abortion: For. But with reservations.
Death Penalty: AGAINST!
Drunk Driving: How is there a "For" for this question?
Smoking: Neither For or Against. Just don't give me cancer and I'm cool with it.
Drugs: Against, I guess.

Who is the:
Oldest: ::shrug::
Youngest: Eden.
Tallest: Mark and Fred (They're pretty close ::wink::)
Shortest: Jenn.
Funniest: Everyone, but especially the 'Thonnage group, collectively.
Craziest: Sara.
Most Rebellious: Really, none of them.
Most Serious: Katie.
Smartest: Jenn.
Blondest: Claire.
Most Artistic: What art? 'cause there's me visually, but Jenn and Kristine if it's dancing, and Chels and Em and Mary if it's singing.
Most Inside Jokes with: Thonnage group.
Name an inside joke: "I need to expell some urine."
Most Outgoing: Mary.

.:The Future:.
College: Yes.
Career: Let's hope so!
Married?: It's up in the air.
Kids?: Maybe.
Names/Numbers: 2 maximum! and the names... another list and it's a long one.
Dream House: Not on a list, but I don't feel like typing all about the library with the stained glass dome and the floor-to-ceiling French windows and the- oh, someone shut me up!
Dream Wedding: A wedding? With a touch of violet! (Sorry, inside joke).
Location: Scotland!
Honeymoon Location: China.

.:Word Association:.
Cat: Hiss.
Dog: Bark.
Girl: Boy.
Boy: Girl.
Fruit: Jazz.
Night: Owl.
Sleep: Tight.
Bed: Pillow.
Day: Time.
School: Hard!
Tissue: Paper.
Rubber: "All right, everybody take some rubbers."
Movies: 'Thons!
Light: Dark.
War: Hell.
Death: Reaper.
Life: Blood.
Pirate: Rum! (Yes, but why is all the rum gone!)
Mean: Girls.
Nice: Ass. (Mark screwed that one up for me since I read his response!)

.:Have You Ever:.
Been drunk: No.
Been high: No.
Tried to kill yourself: No.
Cut yourself: Not on purpose.
Kissed a member of the same sex: Yes.
Lied: Yes... and often too! I'm like Sam from Garden State, folks.
Skipped School: No.
Gone to a school dance: Twilight Ball. Oh Joss...
Given someone a bruise: Not intentionally, but I have purposefully pressed my thumb on someone's windpipe and knocked the wind out of someone from a punch. Oh. Wait. That was all the same person! Sorry Chris!
Broken a bone: Yep.
Had stitches: Yeah, there was this big incident with a bottle and near blindness.
Ridden in an ambulance: No.
Had surgery: Multiple times.
Had braces: Currently.
Dyed your hair: I will eventually.
Had a sleepover: Yes.
Gone skinnydipping: No, but the time will come.
Gone skydiving: No.
Gone bungyjumping: No.
Taken a survey like this: Just now and it's taking for fucking ever!
Danced in the rain: Yes and done poi in the rain for four hours! ::whistful look:: That was the best birthday party I've ever had...
Spun around until you were really dizzy: Who hasn't?
Pulled an allnighter: Yes, go me, Em and Chelsea!
Had a movie marathon: Yes. Thonnage... <33
Played truth or dare: Yes, but it was ultra-wussy.
Cheated on a test: Yes, on a spelling test in the third grade and a science test in the fourth grade because I couldn't remember "surface tension." And I've never told that to anyone before!
Cheated on homework: I don't think I have.
Worn something your parents dissaproved of?: Maybe, but not really.

A: You are ANTI-: Bush.
B: Does BLOOD gross you out: No.
C: Ever gone CAMPING: Yes and it's kind of a "never again" situation.
D: Favorite kind of DOG: Duke!
E: EASIEST subject in school: Art!
F: FRENCH fries or FREEDOM fries: French. I'm going with Claire on "What the fuck is a freedom fry!"
G: GOLDFISH: plain or cheddar: Cheddar with an apostrophe T on the box for 'Thon!
H: HOW are you?: Bored.
I: 2 random INTERESTING facts about you: Haha. No.
J: What kind of JUICE do you drink: Orange?
K: Ever flown a KITE: Yes!
L: LOVE is: obnoxious.
M: MOVIE that you could see over and over again: Lots.
N: One thing you've NEVER done but want to: Spike.
O: Do you like OLIVES: No.
P: PHOBIAS: That's a long, long list.
Q: QUOTE someone: "Always be yourself. Unless you suck."
R: RUN or walk?: Walk.
S: What kind of SHAMPOO do you use: The pretty green stuff in my shower.
T: TRUTH or Dare: Dare.
U: Is it bad luck to open an UMBRELLA in the house: No.
V: Roses are red, VIOLETS are: I'm going with violet on this one...
W: WHERE did you sleep last night?: My bed...
X: Ever had an XRAY?: Yes. Many times.
Y: Last person to YELL at you: I can't remember.
Z: ZODIAC sign: Leo.

Holy Joss, that took forever! But I finished!

French studying time.

2 days 'til break!
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