The Love Diary Oneshot

Sep 05, 2009 01:21

The Love Diary

„What are you writing? “, the boy asked.

„Nothing! “, he answered and hid the book under the table.

The boy just shrugged and walked away.

It was always the same answer Kame would give. It was always nothing!  Because Kame couldn’t let anybody know about what he wrote everyday in that little black book. It would be bad for him if they found out about his little obsession. Ok, it probably wasn’t just a little obsession. It was more like an addiction he couldn’t get rid of.

He was addicted to watch his English teacher, to write down every single detail he noticed about him. Whether it was something from his imagination or a short glance the teacher really directed at the corner of the classroom where he was seated.

Kame sighed. Another English lesson was over and Akanishi-sensei was already heading out of the classroom without spearing him another glance. Well, why should he anyway. He was just another student, nothing special.

Sighing again Kame got up from his seat and packed up his things for the day.  Picking up his little love diary from under the table to stuff it into his bag with his other belongings.

And so another day ended and he would need to wait again hours of longing until he would see his teacher again.  And the worst of it was that he had tomorrow again his English lessons in the last two lessons of the day. He really hated that sneaky secretary who made him suffer every Wednesday evening just because she thought it was so much better to have English lessons at the end of the day.

Kame walked out of the classroom with a huge pout adoring his face, and bumped right into the person he thought he would see only after hours of torture the next day.

“Ah, I’m sorry Kamenashi-kun.” Akanishi smiled apologetic at Kame and patted Kames head with a swift movement of his hand before rushing into the classroom to retriever the folder he had forgotten.

Kame mean while was frozen in place still feeling the warmth of the others body and smelling the sweet fragrance of Akanishi´s cologne. Drifting off into his little dream world that completely revolved around Akanishi-sensei, Kame didn’t notice Akanishi coming back out of the classroom and stopping in front of him.

“You alright?”, Akanishi asked worried at seeing his student still standing motionless at the same place he bumped into him.

Finally snapping out of his day dream Kames cheeks flushed a soft pink after realizing how close Akanishi was standing to him and that he just stood like a completely fool in the middle of the hallway.

“I’m fine.” he mumbled before practically sprinting down the hallway in order to get as fast as possible away from his beloved Akanishi-sensei in order to not embarrass himself further. Not noticing at all that his bag was still half open and that his nice little love diary was now lying in the middle of the hallway.


“Where is it?” Kame screamed in frustration as he emptied his bag throwing its contents around his room. He couldn’t have forgotten it in the classroom, right? Or … or LOST IT!

“No! No! No!” Kame repeated over and over again shaking his bag in order to empty it completely on his bed, but there wasn’t anything any longer in it. Finally giving up on torturing his bag Kame screamed a last frustrated “NOOOOOOO” which was muffled by the huge plush turtle in his arms.

All his (imaginary) memories were lost. And the worst of it is that somebody from his school could find it and tell Akanishi-sensei about his little (huge) crush.

Pounding with his fists on the bed until he was completely exhausted Kames last thoughts before he drifted off to sleep were, if that’s the way the (his) world would go under tomorrow.


As Kame woke up and remembered (after 15 minutes time for his brain to recover from sleep) that he lost his most important possession, didn’t he want at first to even go to school at all. But after his mum nicely told him to go to school (and shoved him out of the door threatening that he would get no dinner if he didn’t go) did he finally decide that it can’t be helped and that he simply needed to face Armageddon.

Kame arrived at his classroom and tried to be as invisible as possible. (Damn why hadn’t he bought that invisible cloak from that Harry Potter web side he had found a view days ago?) Sneaking to his seat Kame let out a breath of relieve that nobody seemed to have noticed him yet. He quickly checked under his table if he hadn’t forgotten his book there, but was disappointed to find out that it wasn’t there.

“Shit! So the world ends today.” Kame wined and let his head bang on the table ignoring the worried glances his classmates would send him.

He was the whole day anxious about when the unknown person who had found his book would reveal his secret to the world. But nothing happened. Lesson after lesson passed and there was no Armageddon in sight.

Kame already started to believe that maybe somebody who didn’t go to this school would have found the book and simply had thrown it away. Well, he didn’t like the thought of his book in a bin, but it still was better than imagining it in the hands of some of his fellow students.

Being completely consumed of his thoughts Kame got the shock of his live as Akanishi-sensei was suddenly standing in front of him, looking at him, smiling at him. And walking away again after giving him the sheet of paper he was handing out in the class.

Kame blushed and was the first time in the whole year happy about his seat in the back corner of the classroom where nobody could see him. The English lesson started and Akanishi-sensei seemed to be full of energy that day smiling brightly the whole time. “At least he has a good day.” Kame muttered to himself smiling the first time that day at seeing his teacher in such a good mood.


Kame was in a much better mood after classes were over. (Who wouldn’t after getting to see two long hours his favorite teacher lecturing with a constant smile on his face?) He packed his stuff in his bag looked a last time under the table if his diary didn’t reappear during the day and was about to go as Akanishi-sensei called him over.

“Kamenashi-kun can you help me carry the dictionary’s back to the library?” Akanishi asked with a bright smile on his face waving Kame over to help him. (Who would be able to resist that smile?) “Sure.” Came Kames quick answer and he nearly jumped from joy to be able to spend another view minutes with his teacher.

They walked down the hallway in silence. (With Kame giving once in a while side glance´s at his teacher.) Neither of them seemed to bother to hurry and so as they reached the library was the school nearly emptied from all the students.

“Thanks, for your help.” Akanishi smiled at Kame after they placed the dictionary´s in a shelf.

“It … it was nothing.” Kame stuttered and blushed not meeting Akanishi’s eyes. Somehow he felt suddenly so flustered being completely alone in the library with his teacher.

“Ah, and I remember you lost something yesterday.” Akanishi said still smiling while searching in his bag for the object, not noticing how suddenly all color drained from Kames face. It couldn’t be that from all people in this school the one person who never should have even known from its existence found it.

Armageddon came after all!

Kame could just stare at the little black book that Akanishi was holding with a smile in front of his face. Maybe he didn’t read it. He wouldn’t smile like that if he had, right?

Kame completely of a loss for words blushed a deep red and asked in a soft whisper the one question to which he didn’t want to know the answer: “Did you read it?”

“I did.”, answered Akanishi still smiling and observing Kames reaction. At hearing those two words Kame wanted to bury himself alive, run away to Alaska and change his Name, buy that invisible cloak and vanish for the rest of his live, and other things he couldn’t think of right now.

After waiting for some time to get a reaction from Kame to his words Jin got impatient and simply leaned in to give him a quick kiss on the lips. Being now even more shocked then before Kame wanted to say something but he somehow couldn’t think of anything fitting right now. So he just stuttered incoherent stuff: “I… I… I… You… I… kissed!?” as realization fully hit him that he just got kissed by the one person he wanted to get kissed from since month and years and days and month.

Clapping his hands over his mouth Kame just stood there and stared at Akanishi.

“How does it come that you are today so slow at thinking?” Jin asked with an amused grin on his face leaning closer to Kames face stroking with one hand over Kames soft hair. “You know I really wished that you would have lost that little book a bit earlier so I wouldn’t have needed to pretend so long to be not interested in you.” Jin said has he moved closer and embraced Kame breathing in the scent of his shampoo.

Kame nearly started to cry after hearing those words and he could have died from happiness as Akanishi kissed him again, but this time longer and deeper than before. It was like heaven. Being pressed against a book shelf while being kissed passionately by his teacher was heaven for Kame!

Since that one day Kame loved Wednesdays and Thursdays and that sneaky secretary too, because he had English as the last two lessons on those days, which resulted most of the time in hot sex with his English teacher. Since Jin is never one to resist a slutty looking Kame in the back of his class!

Author's Note: Well, a oneshot! Yep I have kinda some hell of a mountain of other fics to finish and instead I write a crapy oneshot and its unbetaed. So hate me for my bad english and for not finishing any multichapter fics I start. But please leave a comment if you actually read this, because I freaking am addicted to them. And even thought I know that there are so many people who don't bother to write one please just leave a <3 or something so I know that people actually read this crap. If you don't want me to know who you are then just do it anonymus.
Gez I really wonder if anybody is going to do this! *.*


author: dreamwatcher15, oneshot, fic: the love diary

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