Jun 16, 2005 16:46
1) First Grade Teacher: Mrs. Callahan
2) Last word you said: “Bye Jimmy!” (he was out the door going to work)
3) Last song you sang: “I’m only sleeping”, by the Beatles
4) Last person you hugged: Brian
5) Last thing you laughed at: something in this survey when Jenny took it, but I don’t remember
6) Last time you said 'I love you': 45min ago
7) Last time you cried: Two days ago, I think? I was writing in my journal about feeling totally inadequate in life. I get that way sometimes.
8) What's in your CD player: Pomme Fritz, by the Orb
9) What color socks are you wearing: blue, with angels on them, a Valentine’s Day present ^_^
10) What's under your bed?: two shoeboxes full of pictures and memorabilia, extra blankets, a few board games that haven’t been touched in years.
11) What time did you wake up today: 1:30pm.
12) Current taste: cinnamon bagel and roasted pepper hummus
13) Current hair: messy braid
14) Current clothes: black pants, navy blue polo-shirt and my “lesbian” shoes ;)
15) Current annoyance: several minor injuries- sprained wrist, etc- and an ear infection
16) Current longing: to be healthier and stronger
17) Current desktop picture: a photo of two mugs of genuine Italian cappuccino with smiley faces drawn in the foam- a picture I took when Sarah Glod and I were hanging out in Rome. That cappuccino was ***amazing***, and her company was even more so J
18) Current worry: that I’m not making the most of my life
19) Current hate: the ideals that society forces on us to make us feel inadequate.
20) Story behind your LJ username: ummm…. I don’t remember, actually. I don’t think I was thinking about it long, I think I just chose it out of the blue because it sounded pretty. My first live journal, though, was PrincessLaurel, which is a character from a children’s story that I love. But then I thought it sounded pretentious or something, so I changed it. Not that Dreamwanderer is any less pretentious, lol ;)
21) Current favorite article of clothing: these shoes!!! I got them for ten dollars at Sears, and they’re very masculine, so wearing them makes me feel like a lesbian, lol
22a) Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: eyes, probably. But I do have a weakness for forearms, don’t ask me why
22b) Favorite physical feature of the same sex: hmmmm, tough one. Probably the waist, if there’s a slight curve- but really, with girls it’s kind-of a whole-package deal. I’m either attracted to you or not. No single feature really matters.
23) Last CD that you bought: I believe it was the Amelie soundtrack… or it might have been Ravi Shankar, I don’t remember.
24) Favorite place to be: the woods
25) Least favorite place: my bathroom or kitchen
26) Time you wake up in the morning: usually between 11am and 1pm
27) If you could play an instrument, what would it be: I *can* play instruments, thank you. Right now I’m playing guitar. I hunger for it, even now. (cue dramatic background music)
28) Favorite color: errrgh, I don’t know!!! I love deep red, and sea blue, and soft green… I don’t know!!!
29) Do you believe in an afterlife: absolutely.
30) How tall are you: 5’8
32) Favorite book: of the moment? George Eliot’s “Romola.” Of all time? Maybe “The Once and Future King,” or “Utopia,” but I think that might be because of timing- I read them at a time when they could really affect me.
33) Favorite season: late summer
34) One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: ummm, I really don’t know.
35) Favorite day: Monday
36) Where do you want to go: everywhere. But to the shower might be nice right now.
37) What is your career going to be like: ha! *career*??? My career is going to be working jobs like waitressing or bartending, and saving money, and traveling. And then dong it all over again. Until I get tired of it.
39) What kind of car will you have: Chevy Cavalier, dark green, named Jupiter!
40) Type a line you remember from any book: "gone/ gone/ gone beyond/ gone beyond beyond/ hail the goer!" Ram Dass, "Be Here Now"
41) A random lyric: "Take these faded hopes, etched with tears- we'll rise above these mortal cares." Loreena McKennit, "Dante's Prayer"
42) Identify some things surrounding your computer: a bunch of borrowed CDs, a bottle of water, a cashmere sweater, a book of poetry
1. is your name: Laurie
2. is your nickname: Laurie-Lou, Luna, Elmira, Laurie-Bean, Ew, Ariel, Frodo... the list is endless.
4. is your favorite thing to do: write in my journal, play guitar, hang out with friends, stare out the window
5. is your room like: it's very soft, filled with Laurie-paraphernalia, softly-lit, a sanctuary in a largely chaotic house
6. is your favorite drink: water
7. is your car: see above
8. is your job: waitress
9. is your education: University of Hartford, Bachelor of Arts in English Literature, Magna Cum Laude
10. is your favorite holiday: Halloween
1. Fallen for your best friend?: yes, lol, almost every one, and many times ;)
2. Been rejected?: yes
3. Been in love?: yes... yes, I think I have.
4. Used someone?: I don't think so
5. Been used?: ummm, I have no idea.
6. Done something you regret?: of course. I think I've been able to forgive myself, though
10. You talked to?: my dad
12. You instant messaged?: ummm, I don't remember. Katie, maybe?
13. You yelled at?: my dad. not today though.
14. You laughed with?: Brian
15. Who broke your heart?: me.
19. Color your hair?: no, last time, it was a year ago, and was supposed to be blue, but turned out purple, and washed out after two weeks, anyway. Bleh.
20. Have tattoos?: no, and I can't decide if I want one or not.
21. Have piercings: three in the left ear, two in the right
22. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes- two months now? Three? I suck at official declarations of these things.
23. Own a webcam?: no
24. Own a thong?: no, but I did have an interesting conversation about thongs just last night.
25. Ever get off the damn computer?: yes- I even spend more time *off* the computer than I do *on*!! Imagine that!
27. Habla espanol? Si, pero hablo frances tambien, y es muy dificil hablar en espanol cuando pienso en frances primero.
29. Stolen anything?: yes.
30. Smoke?: yes.
32. Obsessive?: a little
33. Compulsive?: yeah...
34. Obsessive compulsive?: somewhat
35. Panic?: no, not really
36. Anxiety?: a little
37. Depressed?: not lately
38. Suicidal?: not in several years
39. Obsessed with hate?: no
40. Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, gore?: no, but people who have died have been in my dreams of late
41. If you could be anywhere, where would you be?: right now? At the beach with all my friends
42. Can you do anything freakish with your body?: ummm, my elbows are double-jointed
43. What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others?: the eyes, or mouth.
44. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president?: probably, even if I didn't agree with her, just to get a woman in the presidency.
45. Would you marry for money?: no
46. Have you had braces?: no
47. Do you pluck your eyebrows?: yes, but I've been slack lately
48. Do you like hairy backs?: umm, I don't really care
49. Do you like hairy crotches?: well I certainly don't like shaved!
50. Could you live without a computer?: yes
51. Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list etc: yes
52. If so, how many people are on your list(s)?: maybe twelve? (checks her buddy list) Wow! I have fifty!! How did *that* happen??!
53. If you could live in any past, where would it be: probably my own. Part of my still wishes I could go back and do at least high school all over again. Otherwise... probably during the high Renaissance in Florence
54. Do you wear white socks?: yes
55. Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?: I wear them in the house, take them off in my room
56. Your favorite fruit?: red currents
57. Do you eat wheat bread or white?: wheat
58. What is your favorite place to visit? ugh, hard one. I can't really think of any one specific place that I've loved returning to over the years. Maybe Ragged Mountain, or Shakespeare & Company, in Paris, or the Seine.
59. What is the last movie you saw?: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
60. Are you religious?: no, not anymore, thank god
61. Are you photogenic?: maybe in one out of ten pics
62. Do you dream in color or black and white?: color
63. Are you wearing fingernail polish?: no
64. Is it chipped or fresh?: see above
65. Do you have any dimples?: no, but I have wierd little wrinkles when I smile where dimples would be
66. Do you remember being born?: umm, no. Isn't that a given?
67. Why do you take surveys?: because I want to reveal some of myself to the world and at the same time do nothing productive
68. Do you drink alcohol?: rarely
69. Did you like or do you dislike high school?: loved it, but regretted much
70. What is the best accent?: yorkshire brittish
71. Who do you want to kiss?: ummm, I don't know, really. I have that long-standing list of people I'd like to kiss, just as everyone else does, I'm sure, but I haven't been moved by the desire at all lately.
72. Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most?: sunrises
73. Do you want to live to be 100?: ummm, only if I'm meant to
74. Is a flat stomach important to you?: yes- for me, that is. I don't care about other people
75. Do you or have you played with a Ouija board?: when I was ten or so
76. Are you loyal?: yes
77. Are you tolerant of other peoples beliefs?: for the most part, as long as they're not stupid beliefs, like, "I hate black people" or stupid shit like that
78. At home, do you like the lights on or off? depends on the time of day
79. Do you like your nose? Yeah... took me a long time to learn to like it, though
80. Do you think you can draw well?: yeah, when I do draw
81. At what age did you find out that Santa Clause wasn't real?: I've always known, I think
82. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet?: four
83. Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety?: same shoes
84. Do you write poetry?: if you can call it that
85. Snore?: no
86. Do you sleep more on your back or front?: side
87. Cats/Dogs?: cats. I come from a long line of cat-ladies.
88. Do you lick stamps?: yes
89. Do you use an electric can opener?: yeah
90. Have you ridden in a hotair balloon?: no, but I'd love to one day
91. Do you talk to yourself?: yes, all the time
92. Are you judgmental?: I'm trying to shed all of that
93. Smoked your first cigarette?: 20
94. Smoked pot for the first time?: 20
95. Lost your virginity?: still a virgin
96. Got drunk for the first time?: never really got drunk