Sep 27, 2006 20:06
My summer in a nutshell: busy.
I did research with Cx31 and found out absolutely nothing. I guess that's how research is. I did learn that I really love being in the lab and want to do more work with electrophysiology.
Since then:
School started. Classes are hard. Lots of studying is required. I am really nervous about graduating next spring. I have to take my GRE test sometime. I don't even want to think about applying to grad schools, but I have to. Most applications are due by December.
Tina is pregnant! WOO HOO!!! I really hope that all goes well with her. I know that Ron is starting to fix up the house more so they can move in soon. I really miss Tina.
I am now living with Dan, Dustin, and Nessa... It's really difficult to live with your friends and boyfriend. I never really know how to approach problems with them... so I just kind of keep my mouth shut. I know that it is really changing my relationship with Nessa. We used to be such good friends, best friends in fact. Now we barely talk unless its about problems with the appartment... I hope things get better.... Soon...
Oh! How could I forget! Yael has a brother now, my nephew, Noah Max Schranz. This kid has the funniest faces you could ever see. All of his pictures make him look like something scared the shit out of him. He gets all bug-eyed and stuff. In a cute way. He was born June 26th? or 24th? Something like that. I will prolly see my brother and his family in December.
OK.... nothing else is really on my mind... I lied... There is: work/school/design primers tomorrow/i hope i don't have to do frog surgery by myself tomorrow/damn college apps/I think the degus aren't eating enough/its time for me to get groceries/maple story playing?
Enough... Good bye.