This is my first concept piece ever done. It's a a set of 10 photographs.Each photograph taken myself. Materials used are, oil paints, paint brushes, digital camera, photoshop, and my body as the canvas.
It tells their story. Story of people all alike. All very much different. Life can be extremely colorful and amazing. Full of vivid colors and emotions.It can go dark, people express themselves in many ways when going through turmoil. Sometimes we find ourselves lost. We don't know where to look. Only with in ourselves can we maybe find some glint of salvation.(Another reason it's self-portrait, an expression on my own terms on myself.) We split constantly, not knowing what to do. Finding ourselves doing different things,but still containing the same outter shell. It's hard to grasp others emotions. This piece is done, in hope to spin the mind. To make one look at all the actions going on in each shot. To help express yourself. To help you release something on your mind. To help you connect. I hope you may find some form of connection in my work presented to you.
A concept, where I was the canvas. Oil paints. Digital photography and photoshop. I was these items.A concept of all together growth and it's pieces. Pain, Wishes, Hope, Dreams, Color, Torture, Invasion, Thoughts, Trust and Conclusion.