Jan 03, 2006 14:19
When I was at work today I overheard a conversation a young lady was having with her daughter as I bussed and reset a table. I only heard a brief part of the conversation...and it really wasn't much of a conversation, just the mother talking. It went somewhat like this:
Mother: It's not always that easy giving your life over to Jesus. You just have to try. You will hear Jesus deep inside you, calling your name and you will just have to make the decision to do what he tells you.
It was hard to resist making a comment about multiple-personality disorders and murdering major political figures because Jesus told you to. Can you imagine John Smith testifying before court: "But God came to me in a vision and told me to murder him!" For some reason, I don't think the court would buy it.
My mother used to tell me the same kinds of things when I was little. Boy, am I glad I got over that already. I still wouldn't call myself an atheist or even agnostics, but I definitely don't have that blind, ignorant faith of nimrods like that woman any more. I don't believe all the scriptures and propoganda of Heaven vs. Hell so much any more in the way Christianity has embraced those concepts. I know it seems cliche, but Heaven and Hell are simply what we create for ourselves on earth. Those concepts have nothing to do with an afterlife or a judgemental God, but rather they are a reflection of the choices we make when we live. Murdering, stealing, and cheating your way through life will increase the chances that you will experience a life similar to what the Bible describes as Hell. Alternatively, following a sensible code of ethics will increase the chances that you will experience a life similar to what the Bible describes as Heaven. It's not so complicated and terrible as the Christian church has become. Then again, what do I know? I'm just a gay man.