philosophy exam question

Apr 17, 2007 15:47

I don't have any word type program on my laptop right now so this will have to do.

Pick three philosophers, explain view on meaning of life, critically asses from worst to best:

-meaning of life is afterlife
-must purify soul through death
-must refrain association with body
-live a life of moderation to be a lover of wisdom
-closest to life's purpose (quest for knowledge) through death
-everything must be taken in moderation
-life of pleasure and pain, prudence and freedom, without fear of gods or death
-no afterlife so everything must be lived in this life
-only worry about things in our control
-all about maintaining a state of ataraxia
John-Paul Sartre
-no god, universe is absurd
-existence precedes essence
-he himself defines who he is
-no determinism, make our own choices, alone in our choices
-no set meaning to life, must discover for our selves what we ought to live for
-"you shall be as gods"
Critical Assessment
-not seen in today's society
-very anti-life
-not for everyone
-miss out on everything life has to offer
-decent thought of life but leaves no room for others
-may be ideal for an independent person
-can be intimidating being alone in the world
-makes a claim that we are responsible for all of mankind which seems to restrict our choices
-very common thought in today's society
-live life to its fullest without being a risk to self or others
-everything is now, not after death
-a state of ataraxia is long sought after
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