Unsure if I posted it at LJ. But
this is one of my fancy Dwarf Fortress maps. Created last year or so. It's also the map where I had to keep throwing many many puppies into the lava. Waiting for new version of DF, want new features and new ways to cause mayhem and fun. And death for all around! Wish I had a faster CPU, since DF is a major CPU hog. I'm sure it could have been programmed a lot lot better.
Planning on building the following when new version comes out:
-Ice castle with ice factory.
-Underwater fort, but might be CPU horror since flowing water eats up all CPU.
-Fort build out of pure glass, fully under lava.
-Map with only siege engines as defense.
Also need to invent the following:
-The best fort entrance, offering all the advantages for dwarf against attackers. So as many traps possible in least amount of space. Maybe water and lava combo trap. Make obsidian statues out of all who trespass.
-Waterfall machine
-Most efficient fort layout
-Invent some nifty water traps. Been playing with lava too much.