Penumbra series

Apr 02, 2009 21:43

Been playing the Penumbra series. It's a puzzle and horror game. I quite liked Penumbra Overture, the first of the three episodes.

Game time is about 10 hours for Episode one and two combined. Episode 3 Requiem is a disappointment, only random puzzles and no story. The puzzles are mostly of the physics type and not that hard to figure out. Don't think HalfLife2-type 'puzzles', it's more fun than that. It amused me and are decent games.

The first game plays in the mines. Outside is a death trap since it's vastly below freezing. You more or less fall into the mines while seeking shelter. It's a interesting place, slowly you learn the history of the place, starting from 1940. Through the game you go lower and lower into the mines. eventually into the science bunker where episode 2 starts.

One of the first things I came across while sneaking around in the mine was a locked door. Someone was still living in the mines and was living off spiders for 300 days, having nothing else to eat. He even cut off his own tongue because the spiders (and tongue) where mutating a bit. When you get back later he was dragged away though a small hole in the wall, blood everywhere.

Oh! I miss Red! He was a miner, living underground for 30 years, living on the gray rock worms, 'undead' dogs and other icky stuff. His sanity was not (fully) present at any time. But I liked him! He helps you along once in a while.. Or tries to kill you a bit. Shame I had to kill him.. Well not I.. Uhh.. It was a team effort sort of thing.

In the second game you come across someone who turned into.. something. He lives in the walls and is all but invisible. Turns out that the mutated guy killed the guy mentioned above. Guy above was a scientist that ran away when the bad stuff started happening. But seems like he did not get that far through the heavy snow.

Some things remains a mystery. Like why your DNA registers as non-human. Why the parasite in your head was cut off from the hive mind. Maybe I just missed it.. But a bit of mystery is good. Not everything should be explained.

The downside of Overture is that it gets kind of repetitive. Through the mines the only enemies you have are dogs and spiders. Oh and the giant worm. I hate worms. But it's mostly dogs. sneaking around and avoiding dogs get old after 5 levels of them.

This post might have made little sense to those that have not played it. Or even for those that have. I blame lack of sleep!
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