(no subject)

Apr 19, 2006 12:59

So busy i definitely shouldn't have done this.
i got to celebrate easter and passover this year! woot!

... not in the commons = one pissed kara.
i need to call about twenty people.
i want it to be next semester.
i don't want to worry about the rest of my life.
generally happy, with a few lows.

quitting something soon to devote more time to something i value more, but unfortuanately not too many others do. i get to hang out with chris, collen and melissa on friday = stoked.

room draw tonight = cry.
jac and i are gonna switch up the hallways.
so we can actually use the rec room.
and *hopefully* will be quiter. *hopefully*
*knocks on wood* *throws salt* *spits*

march of dimes walk is coming up. may 7th.
[shameless hint.]

i miss home.
not sure whats going on for this summer.
REALLY need to call justyna with crossed fingers.
first time my advisor ever did NOT ask me to commute to summer school.
ugh. i wish i had one i liked.

i want to get my portfolios from nez.
i really dislike steinberg.
... i apparently didnt finish buying text books,thats what i learned today. goody goody gum drops.

next semester = single.
extra desk = soley for scrapbooking. <3 <3 <3

I should watch Fraggle Rock more often.
alright, back to work. all of that stupid work.
[i did the below thingy first, just for the record]

How girly are you? Put x's beside each thing that's true. Each x that you put is one percent. Have fun!!

[] my fingernails/toenails are almost always painted
[] during the summer pretty much the only shoes i wear are flip flops
[] my favorite toy as a child were barbies {Didn't know any better!}
[x] my favorite color is pink or purple
[] i did Gymnastics
[x] i love skirts
[] hollister is one of my favorite place to shop
[] tight jeans are the only jeans i'll wear
[x] i love chocolate (who doesn't?)
[] i've never had a real job


[] my hair is straightened {not always}
[x] i have at least 8 myspace pictures
[] i usually go shopping once a week
[x] i like to hang out at the mall with friends (what? I do!)
[] i have a real diamond ring or diamond necklace
[] i've gone to a tanning salon
[] i've gone to the beach to tan - not to swim
[] i have at least 10 pairs of shoes (NINE and none of them fit ;p)
[] i watch either the OC or Laguna Beach
[] i change my icon weekly
[] i wear a shower cap


[] I would NEVER step foot into Hot Topic
[] my cell phone might as well become a part of me
[] i wear mascara everyday
[x] i've been or am on a diet
[] bathing suits are adorable (ewwww)
[] i dont know the difference between a sheep and a goat
[] big sunglasses are hott
[] i have gotten my nails done
[] i own over 10 purses
[] MTV is my one of my favorite channels


[] all i want to do at sleepovers is talk about boys
[x] i love to have other girls do my hair
[x] i give and receive hugs from all my friends
[] hate bugs, snakes, lizards, spiders
[x] carnivals are so fun
[x] summer is THE best season
[] my swimsuit has 2 pieces
[] im waiting for my knight in shining armor
[x] musicians are so hot (I like singers better... both)
[x] you write me a poem and tell me im beautiful and im all yours


[x] i am self-conscious
[x] i cry often
[x] my car smells like vanilla (vanilla COOKIE,because it's funny. My car's name is Cookie, get it?... oh goodness)
[] my dishes get washed more then once a week {yeah right!}
[x] i dont do sports (because of the first thing on this list, not because im female. assholes)
[x] i HATE to run
[] i squeal when i am surprised or angry
[x] i eat dried fruit as a snack
[] i love romance novels
[] Drew Barrymore is so cute


[] i dance a lot
[] i usually spend over an hour to get ready to leave my house
[] only have like 5 billion hair products
[x] i love to get dressed up
[] every part of my outfit needs to match
[] i talk on the phone at least once a day to a few of my friends
[] i would love to have a photo shoot of myself
[] price on clothes hardly matters (Does when I'm poor)
[] i apply lip gloss 50 times a day
[] i wish i were a model


[] i wish i could meet Paris Hilton
[] i have been something that was semi slutty on halloween (i'm ususally a lil girl, if anything)
[] i own Uggs ( I actually have no idea what that is... i don't either.)
[] Hip Hop is the best music
[] i pop my collar
[] i like to be the center of attention
[] guys with Mohawks are crazy
[x] horses are beautiful (Aphrodite and Babe! = Best horses. That's right. Bring it!)
[] i'd rather not pay attention in school
[] cats are adorable


[] i write my own music
[] i would love to visit Hawaii
[] valentines day is soo cute!
[] white is better than black (NO IT'S NOT!... agreed)
[] i wouldn't be caught dead in all black
[] my closet is STOCK FULL of clothes
[] i hate the grunge look of a beard
[] i love to read gossip magazines (love is pushing it... when bored and like to, maybe)

[] i love to gossip
[x] i had Lisa Frank folders, posters as a kid (Mothers doing. and i only had ONE)
[] i love Celine Dion
[] My bubble baths are 2 hr long
[] my wedding only needs a groom because it's already planned
[] my friends and i are in a strict group
[x] i like children
[x] diet drinks are ok
[] i'm all about being vegetarian
[] i refuse to eat at McDonalds

[] i check my myspace everyday.
[] i have a lot of jewlery
[] claires has cheap jewlery (wait.. is this if you own some or think that or shop there? i think that, but i dont have any or go there....)
[] my screen names have x's in them (KELSEY!!!)
[] either one of my myspace names has/had <3/?'s in them
[] i would never want to be the opposite sex (sometimes, rarely....but sometimes)
[x] it's not what he/she said it's the way he/she said it (mother frig.. ya got me)
[] i have more than 3 pillows on my bed (I wish)

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