Mar 19, 2008 03:59
Here's my deal...the things I do and say to people...if you are my friends, there are good intentions there. Believe that or don't believe it. Sometimes, my actions shouldn't be taken personally. And they are anyway. My goal in life right now is to create as little waves as possible. I want my friends happy. I don't want anyone to hate anyone. I don't want to have to worry about running into people and having to walk the other way. And I don't want to have to worry about friendships in general because that's just not what I can afford to worry about right now. If you've hurt me, I won't forget it. Don't apologize to me and then write about how you hate me in your lj. I have a hard time holding grudges, but while I may forgive eventually, I don't forget. I'm sorry if any of that that displeases people. I'm not a bad friend. I tend to be a really good one. I think I'm worth keeping around. I hope other people do too.