(no subject)

Sep 07, 2011 15:36

Player Name: Rikki
Player Contact: therikkster@gmail.com

Universe details: Pretty much the earth we know. The only real difference was the names and identities of the session players.
Consorts and Imps: N/A

Character name: Cassandra Ithavoll
Trollian/Pesterchum/other Handle: fortunateConclusion
Age: 15
Blood Color: Human
Speech Quirk: you talk without capitals or punctuation except for exclamation marks!
it makes you seem like you use a lot of run on sentences and you talk very fast!
you also like to use like and and um uh so
#DE85B1 your color is carnation

However, when you’re annoyed or the situation is serious, you drop the above quirk for highly formal speech with correct punctuation.
Derse or Prospit? Derse.
Strife Specibus: Cleaverkind, an entirely normal cleaver you wield with ENTHUSIASM.
Psychic/Magic/Other Abilities: As an awakened Derse dreamer, Cassandra heard the WHISPERS OF THE HORRORTERRORS telling her the future. Most of which (of course) were fairly terrible and dark, to do with the meteors and the destruction of Earth.
Sburb Title (and derived powers): Mistress of Heart. Her power enables her to take control of enemies once she’s within throwing distance of them, but the more powerful the enemy is, the more difficult the catch- And even if she succeeds, if they’re more powerful than her, they can resist or ignore some orders. By the end of the session, she could take over the highest imps and even manged to briefly delay a black king attack... However, her powers were reduced by the glitch and she’s much weaker. She can only affect the weaker imps at this point, but may work her way back up the ladder.

This power does work on other sentient beings, like other trolls and humans, but it depends on their will power. OBVIOUSLY I will be talking to players if I’m ever going to try this on them, and they can resist/break free of the orders.

History: Cassandra started out as a fairly normal child, but it didn’t take long for her morbid tendencies to develop under the voices of the horrorterrors. Apocalyptic imagery in her crayon drawings drew a lot of attention, and when she started talking about insect people and the world ending... A girl with imaginary friends is one thing, a girl with voices telling her to take certain actions is cause for psychiatry treatment, especially when they didn’t fade as she grew.

Treated she was, and of course, but there’s no drug for ‘wakes up on another planet every night’. Instead it taught her an important lesson: The need for secrecy about her thoughts. Normal people just wouldn’t understand. And as she secreted away such important knowledge, she began to create stories out of her life instead. Everything became unimportant except the end. She barely passed through school, prone to actions like skipping because there was a pretty flower on the side of the road, but creating little trouble, and all the time she waited.

She didn’t bother with friendship or social situations in her real life, happily embracing her status as the weird loner, until she finally got in contact with her future sessionmates and
friends... finally!!

It was with a happy heart that she welcomed Sburb and its related doom, signifying the beginning of everything. They were going to be the best team ever- And they were, quickly succeeding. It was everything she had waited for, and her powers made her useful, allowing her to dominate enemies and protect the important people. She finally had friends and everything she wanted, and she never thought back to the world they had left (really, really never) and all the deaths that happened for them to be bought together.

They were quite close to the end...

And then, due to the glitch, she landed up in paradoxstuck. welp.

Personality: Imagine knowing the date of the world’s end, immutable and unchangeable. Knowing that everyone will die but a select few, and that nothing- no one- before that really matters. Hazy knowledge that could easily be mistaken for schizophrenia by others, but one you know to be truth.

A Derse dreamer who heard the whispers before Sburb began, Cassandra listened death, the meteor apocalpyse, the thousand different scenarios of doom and friendship before she even knew the names of her sessionmates. For a lot of people, that might be terrifying. For Cassandra, it meant freedom; Freedom from the opinions of others, freedom from consequence, freedom, from anything mattering. Punishments, rewards, school? All of it was pointless.

Her complete disconnect from the ‘real’ world, the one she grew up in, expresses itself in her coming off as a very strange girl. She grew up half in dreams, and half creating dreams; Wandering the streets of Derse and befriending Carapace in her dreams as a princess, and crafting stories out of her life in the ‘real world’. She is always, always the main character (hero or villain being less important), and the people around her are assigned similar fairy tale roles... Assuming they’re important.

Disregarding everyone but her future sessionmates as ‘NPCs’ enabled her to cope with the knowledge of the meteors, but didn’t do much for her social skills. She tends to drift off in conversation, distracted by the things around her unless she knows the conversation is meant to go a certain way; It isn’t unusual for her to pause mid conversation to chase a cat. And then maybe consider eating the cat, because the cat is just like any other disposable animal.

Things are either important (main roles), semi-important (side characters), or background (NPCs) and to the first, she gives the world. You’re her friend, even if you don’t even know it yet. She wants to protect the important things, to help them and make them happy... Even when she’s not very good at it. You could confess your deepest, darkest secret (Cassandra, I killed a man!) and her response might just be ‘Oh, I was hoping you were a ninja’. Her caring is absolute, her talents at the feelings jam... Less so. Still, she’s sweet and good at hugs.

She’s pretty resistant against authority, since authority is created by people who don’t matter. She brushes off denial and any attempts to control her as effortlessly as sleeping, back into her world where she’s a princess and she only has to wait for the end. Adults, school, the law, those things are from a world that’s just the prologue. She dislikes hospitals especially.

Cassandra is fairly cheerful even in the darkest of situations, trying to act the storybook princess, but she covers up some fairly morbid blood-lust tendencies. She knows her life isn’t a story on some level, and that the people were real, but refuses to even consider that because it would mean acknowledging that much death for a mere game. Her frustration at her life, at their situation, bubbles under the surface secretly... And those who ruin the happiness of herself, and the important people?

Well, she wields cleaverkind for a reason. She would happily die for her friends, but she’d really rather you die.


Memo: CURRENT onlineHandle fortunateConclusion[CFC] RIGHT NOW opened public transtimeline bulletin board HELLO!


CFC RIGHT NOW opened memo on board HELLO!

CFC: hello!
CFC: oh wait i so already said that
CFC: hello again anyway!
CFC: this is a bit new isnt it
CFC: like i wasnt planning on this at all
CFC: normally i have all the dreams
CFC: all of them!
CFC: so i was dreaming wed finish the game and then who knows what!
CFC: anything could happen itd be great
CFC: i was uh totally going to make the new universe with my friends
CFC: we were super busy
CFC: and when we get our reward itd be like we wont have to worry about anything
CFC: and we could do cool stuff like make ice cream lakes
CFC: and all the animals would be like chubby balloons we could ride
CFC: wouldnt that be super cool!
CFC: the coolest animals literally and um metaphorically!
CFC: balloon animals arent even fluffy what is with that
CFC: you cant ride normal balloon animals
CFC: but if i had a balloon i could look down on you all and wave and you could be like hey its that weird chick with the balloon!
CFC: itd be awesome
CFC: id give my friends rides too
CFC: oh right thats why i was making this memo you know
CFC: i cant seem to find them and thats super worrisome!!
CFC: like what if they found an ice cream lake and are drowning!
CFC: you cant even swim in normal ice cream i tried
CFC: so hurry up and answer this memo!!

FUTURE fortunateConclusion [FFC] 1:02. HOURS FROM NOW responded to memo.

FFC: I’m serious.
FFC: Either one of my friends answers, or I find out where they are.
FFC: And why they can’t.
FFC: so hurry up okay im waiting!

FFC closed memo.

Action log: Cassandra Ivatholl: Be the Cool Kid.

You can't be the cool kid, you're already the weird kid! You're so weird it could be your official title, if weren't already the MISTRESS OF HEART.

Cassandra Ivatholl: Be the Mistress of Heart.

Now that you can do, mysterious weird commands from no where! You are now the Mistress of Heart. Your name is obviously Cassandra Ivatholl, and you are a fifteen year old human-human. As opposed to a weird alien human, an argument you certainly won't be having with your entirely human sessionmates or at any point in the future.

Your interests are ballet, telling stories and dreams but right now you are busy waiting for your friends.

Cassandra Ivatholl: Take a nap on a consort.

Don't be silly, you don't need to do that. You've already dreamed what you should! Anyway it is very important that you wait for your friends.


Your friends still aren't here.

Cassandra Ivatholl: Burst into tears and rock yourself to sleep clutching a horse toy.

Bluh! No, that's silly, and you won't be following these strange orders. You only follow things you see in your dreams and do what you want to do for your friends. Right now, what you want is to be with your friends. They could be in serious trouble!


You equip your trusty CLEAVERKIND.
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