you know you live in the country when.......

Oct 28, 2007 18:09

You know you live in the country when you wake in the morning to roosters behind your neighbor's house and when you come home in early evening you hear the horses behind your neighbor's house. Yes this is really how much in the middle of nowhere we really are. This street has been here for over 8 years but it still doesn't show up on mapquest. Although if you do the satellite view of this area you can see the house and in fact the whole subdivision. Stupid mapquest.

Anyway since my last post things have been very boring. About two days after my last post Justin went into "crunch" time at work and I really haven't seen him much since then. He's been working about 67- 75 hours a week and the night shift on top of it which means he normally leaves for work at 2:30pm and doesn't get home til anywhere between 3-5 am and he works the weekends as well. I have also been working some hell-ish hours and putting in just a little over 50 hours a week. So we've seen each over very little and it's possibly going to get worse since he's thinking about applying for a three month (possibly longer) position in Arizona. And if he gets it I will be staying here.

My original plans to try and get up to the tri-sate area this fall/ winter isn't going to happen. We have decided to go to Florida for Thanksgiving and Justin's b-day. (Which just means you people need to get your asses down here and visit... I have plenty of room. :P) His grandmother recently found out she has stomach cancer and when she went in for surgery last week the cancer is worse then they thought and they aren't sure if anything they were planning on doing will really do anything so Justin really wants to go down there for Thanksgiving to see her and his family and although I'm not looking forward to the 13 hour drive I can't really say no to his request given the circumstances.

BTW please blame the glasses for any spelling mistakes. hehe I've had them for months but I only really started to wear them recently and my eyes still aren't used to them.

So for all who wanted or cared to know that is the grand news from the south. (tho I did forget to mention I started a yankee's boston fued at the bar several weeks back.. that was funny. hehe)
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