fanfic #2

Aug 21, 2006 16:36

Rating - T (booze and wenches), kind of humor.
Word-count - 253
Summary - The tourney of The Hand is over. What to do with such money?

It was a plesantly warm afternoon. Ser Loras Tyrell was thinking about recent events and was very pleased of
himself. Ribs weren't broken and Kinght of Flowers decided to go to the King's Landing.
But his peaceful strode was ended by someone on a black horse. A rider dashed from the narrow street and

thundered past him. Then he stopped, dismounted and looked at his dusted and angered victim.
That malformed Lannister's cur. But the last man who said such words, fell from a long flat of stairs, broke his

arm and hand and lost four front teeth.
-A nice horse, - politely said Tyrell.
"A nice horse" tried to bite off his ear. Clegane laughed, but, at least, had the grace to invtite ser Loras to "Cat

and Barrel" to celebrate their victory.
After 2nd flagon of wine, ser Tyrell tried to play finger-dance with the innkeeper. After the 3rd flagon of the

same Dornish red he discovered the unjustice of life and decided to become a septon.
The Hound yanked him from the table.
- Let's go.
- Careful, sers, - squeaked the innkeeper under the table,- door is that way.
On the fourth time, the door is finally opened.
- What itme is it? - asked very thristy and lost ser Tyrell.
- Two of the daywatch, - answered the familiar growl.
- What?! Where am I?
- Behind the sofa at Chataya’s. Talked to the mosaic, then fell asleep.
And The Kinght of Flowers was ashamed.
The End
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