Well, hi. Welcome to the Tin Man friending meme! Would you like to meet new friends? Or maybe friend someone you’ve seen around the fandom, but were too scared to do so before? Here’s your chance. Just copy and paste the code into a comment and then look around to see if there's anyone else you've got stuff in common with.
And remember to pimp
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Dang...missed it by that much!
First, some basics.
Hey, there. What’s your name?: Umm...moony_blues
Oh, really. Go by anything else?: Moony, or Valaore, Vala, or Val in the LotR fandom (years ago...)
Awesome. What about your journal? F-locked? Open? We must know!:F-locked, for the most part. =D
Any other journals? Maybe for fics or graphics?: moonyscribbles is my fannish archive (currently under construction) and I created tm_challenge, which is currently running the Tin Man Fan Fiction Grand Prix!
What else do you like to do? Have any hobbies?: Reading, writing, spinning yarn (literally), swimming, watching TV and movies (especially when science fiction is involved.
Would you like to say anything else about yourself?: Too much for this comment, I'm afraid. ;-)
OK! Enough about you, let’s talk about you!
Fandoms you frequent?: Tin Man, Torchwood, Doctor Who (NuWho), Moonlight, Firefly, Harry Potter (not very frequently), (used to do) LotR. I'm an inactive fan of Stargate, Smallville, Supernatural, Chronicles of Narnia (books), and a ( ... )
OMG WHAT?!?! Since when? I ♥ BSB!
I'm a bit biased, but I love tm_challenge. ;-)
Don't we all LOL.
that's all...
I thought someone might like that. =D
I'm also with you on wanting the origianl writers for a Tin Man sequal. If they use different writers, then the wole thing seems to fall apart, literally.
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