(no subject)

Sep 30, 2008 11:07

My Dad is in the hospital w/acute renal failure. They don't know what it's from. He doesn't need dialysis (yet) ... lvl 7 (blood impurities? not sure what the numbers indicate) and they don't do that procedure unless levels are 11 or higher.

Mom and Dad have been taking care of family members who've been sick/dying for the past 10 years. My grandmother died 2 weeks ago (for me it was more like 2 years ago when she stopped recognizing me from dementia/Alzheimer's). There's nobody left in this area to "take care of" now and this was supposed to be the time when they could relax and enjoy taking care of themselves and enjoy life and do things they've wanted to do... read a book all day long, day trips to museums, take a cruise/vacation w/o worrying about this or that person. Finally time for them to enjoy retirement (though he's been retired for almost 12 years). This is supposed to be HIS time now and I'm FURIOUS. He's always been a huge fan of eating right and exercising. Goes to the doctor and dentist regularly.

He was a teacher at Worc. Voke. English. Kevin and his two older brothers had him as a teacher. Small world huh. He made his students read Jaws and a lot of articles from Readers Digest. He read to me all the time growing up cuz' I was a terrible reader and had no comprehension skills. He taught me how to look things up at the library (heh, before the internet), and tried to give me lessons on "savvy". (took me a while, but I got those lessons). He encouraged me to "slow down" all the time ... look at situations and think before I act. ADHD they call it now but when I was a kid growing up it was called "BRAT", or "Problem Child". He almost never got mad at me.

On Sundays we used to visit my grandmother and grandfather a lot for lunch. Grandpa, Dad and I would often be found in the den watching the Celtics play, or watching "the painter" on channel 2 (happy little trees... remember him?) or talk politics. I loved that. Strongly encouraged "civic responsibility". *chuckle* Never told me who he'd be voting for in elections but would talk about the issues and candidates w/me. I learned so much from those conversations. Granted my views as an adult have changed and we don't see eye to eye on a lot of issues, I still loved those conversations. Even a brat like me could be philosophical those days and we talked morals and values and it was some of the few "good times" growing up. Actually, anytime Dad and I spent together alone was "good times."

He and I would cuddle watching tv at night a lot till I had to goto bed. And when I had terrible nightmares (no surprise there, I've never been able to sleep) I always called out to him when I woke up scared. The alligator people, the faceless ones, the vampires, they were all afraid of him. After he tucked me back in they didn't come back the rest of the night. Helped me w/my homework... Until I was 16 he would goto all my swim lesson/swim team practices down at Bennit Field and sit in the hot sun watching me/encouraging me. Was thrilled when at 14 I was asked to be on the Clark University swim team. He was my softball coach and lead our team the Doray's to first place victory in the entire league. He picked me up from school almost every day because I stayed after for this or that... taught me how to play tennis. Played basketball with me. Taught me how to drive. Didn't yell at me when I got drunk for the first time and threw up in the back of his car.

He never got angry or violent. Raise is voice every so often but I can't say I didn't deserve that though.

As an adult, even though I've been a terrible daughter he's still been by my side doing what he can in support. He and I joke around all the time and can just relax and are at ease in each others presence.

My Dad ... through all my life has been the one person who has been my biggest supporter, friend, and when you think about what a father should be... that's him. They modeled that "textbook definition" after him. He taught me patients and understanding. Most people I know have had horrific fathers, and I know how lucky I am to have him. He's been amazing in the lives of Alex and Dri too... helped out taking Alex to taekwondo lessons, and has that same unmeasurable amount of patients w/Dri that he had w/me growing up. He is my hero and the one person on this earth that I know when push came to shove was always on my side even if he couldn't say it or help me out. I know I've talked about him before here about how he is my world, but that doesn't even begin to describe it.

I'm frightened to the core.
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