Time awaits Sam Tyler 1/?

May 17, 2010 22:14

Title: Time awaits Sam Tyler 1/?
Author: Dreamsparkle3
Rating: PG-13 for now
Genre and/or Pairing: Romance AU Ten!Doctor/Simm!Master(Sam Tyler), Amy Pond, Annie  
Spoilers: Life on Mars, Doctor Who
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2437
Summary: AU where the Doctor doesn't regenerate but still meets Amy. I love Matt Smith and he's perfect where he is in Doctor Who, just not very good for a romance story. The Master fell through time after the events with the the Timelords and ended up as Sam Tyler in 1973. He meets a red head trying to break into police files and decides to help her when he realizes she's the Doctor's companion.

He had been minding his own business for once, now he was human and slightly less mad, when he found his Doctor again. Working for Gene and learning his place in the chain of command had been extremely difficult for him and many nights wondered why he couldn’t just destroy the man that was his boss. Yet then he started to like him, and his new friends he realised being all powerful becomes boring quickly when you had no one to challenge you.

The drums had never let him learn that but now they were gone, it was a honest fact he’d learned to live with. He still was ambitious and wanted power. He was still himself. Seeing people doing nothing with their lives scared him more than his Doctor was scared of the Untempered Schism and they were both geniuses driven by their fears.

He was sitting at his desk in 1973, drinking luke-warm tea and doing Gene’s paperwork for him when he saw a flash of red in the usually colourless police station. A girl with bright red hair, wearing a too tight, strangely designed police costume was trying to open the filing cabinet. No-one was trying to stop her as the only attention she was attracting was leers. The men didn’t seem to consider a girl might impersonate a cop.

“Excuse me, what are you doing?” He tried to ask politely. She spun around and that’s when he saw the blue light from what could only be his Doctor’s screwdriver in her hand, he forced his face to remain curious. She was young and beautiful, like all the Doctor’s companions were but she was even more so. Hair and eyes like they were moulded out of fire, cute face covered in freckles. The defiance in her eyes showed she was definitely not from this time.

“I’m looking for a case file of a Karl Owen,” She said, forgetting to add sir as she turned away from him again rudely to try and open the cabinet again. Definitely not from this time, the Master mused to himself with glee. He took the screwdriver from her in a calm movement that she didn’t notice until it was too late. Now he had gotten her attention and had made sure he would get a face to face with his Doctor.

“That’s my case file,” He said slowly. “Now, impersonating an officer and trying to steal information is a serious offence...” She looked horrified he'd caught her out but he refused to let her interrupt him. “But I sense your doing this to try and help someone so you have a choice. Explain everything to me now and we can treat this as an investigation or I could arrest you and you can face charges.


Amy explained to him that her friend John (the Doctor really needed to be more inventive) had been knocked unconscious and kidnapped by Karl Owen. He knew she wasn’t explaining everything but then again neither was he. He understood she didn’t want to be carted off to the nuthouse better than anyone if it was like the Doctor's usual trouble.

He had suspected Karl Owen had been working for some higher ups. He had been putting a new drug out on the streets, one that wasn’t from earth. He had been coming up with a plan, to try and scare off the aliens the past week because drugs made Gene very unhappy but being human made it so much harder than it should have been.

Now with his Doctor involved and the sonic screwdriver he had persuaded Amy to let him hold onto, he finally had a chance, whatever species of aliens they were. He led Amy to the warehouse, he didn’t even try to make her stay somewhere, he knew what his Doctor’s companions were like.

“So how long have you known John?” the Master asked as he broke into the place with his gun out in true Gene fashion.

“About a month,” She replied following after him. They began looking through rooms in this maze of a place. “He’s always getting himself into trouble.”

He smiled at her sympathetically, before he sensed the Doctor’s presence. He didn’t know how he could still do that as a human but didn’t complain as he stopped looking in rooms and went to him. He was the same as he last saw him, same Doctor at least but he was spread eagle on the floor like he’d just collapsed. His coat hiked up around his arm where he'd been injected.

Amy gasped and ran to him as the Master checked the room to make sure they were safe. He only then checked on his Doctor with Amy. He was sweating and looking rougher than the time he’d stopped one of the Doctor’s heart’s using the machine that scared most people to death. They’d given his Doctor the drug and it would soon overheat him until his systems failed.

“Don’t touch him.” The master warned. “He’s too hot; he doesn’t need your body heat as well. Just stay with him, I’m gonna go find some water.”

She nodded but was already looking like she wanted to disobey him on the no touching rule. He had to get his plan off without a hitch before he had to go back to playing a dumb human. He didn’t want to be imprisoned, even if it was by his Doctor. Then he can go back to living with his friends. He smirked at how much he’d changed without those annoying drums.

“Sam, you need to wake up Sam. The doctor’s say your slipping. You just can’t Sam...” He heard the radio down the hall. Well maybe he hadn't changed that much because he was still mad. It hurt him listening to his mum cry. He had no idea how falling through a crack in time gave him two imaginary lives but both times in history cried out to him and both made him feel like he didn’t belong.

He headed in the direction of the radio anyway and found Karl Owen, surrounded by several creatures. They looked like the human myth of Angel’s. There were seven of them, but the drug had changed the human’s around them into similar creatures. They had obviously used trial and error rather than get it right first time and that explained all those humans slaughtered like they had wings ripped out of their backs but  were explained away by a serial killer. Now they had the right formula they should be leaving. He sighed in relief.

“Sam,” The master turned expecting maybe Amy but instead it was Annie and as he took in the wings on her back, he shook his head refusing to believe it. They couldn’t take Annie from him, they just couldn’t. He didn’t care why the species out there needed to create more of themselves, Annie was the reason he was alive. She was crying as she moved forward to hug him and he let her. “They’re going to take me Sam and I have to leave right now. I can’t breathe when they move away from me. I’m so sorry Sam, I thought I could get a break in this case.”

He understood what she was saying. She knew more about the species that had changed her genetic structure better than he did so he hugged her tight one last time before letting her go. “I’ll try to find you, I promise.”

Annie gave him one of her “you’re crazy” looks that she had perfected in the time she knew him but he also knew she didn’t really know him so he didn’t take it personally. She reached out and poured some sand into his. It was shinier than sand though, almost like crushed gold and pearl. He realised it was dust that naturally fell off of her wings. “There’s a man, down the hall of this building. He’s really sick. He tried to save me before I was turned but they were too strong. If you make him swallow some of this, I’m sure he’ll be okay.”

“Damn you Annie. Why do you have to be so selfless? It’s a horrible quality to have.” The Master tried to sound scornful but it came out weak. Annie smiled and touched his cheek. It was only then he realised he was crying. Then she snapped to like she was being called and was moving into the room closing the door after her.

If the angelic creatures were moving on and he couldn’t stop them without hurting Annie there was nothing he could do. He went back his Doctor feeling powerless. To him it was worse thing to feel in the world and if he didn’t get Annie back in his tiny human lifespan he was going to destroy the universe once again. He felt it was a fair exchange, truthfully.


He carried his Doctor back to his place and placed him down on the bed. Amy had been unusually quiet since he’d come back and he knew she’d read the loss on his face. He mixed Angel Dust with ice cold water and forced the Doctor to drink before removing any unnecessary clothes and cooling him down with a wet towel. This damn planet always was too hot and as a timelord everything seemed to burn his skin.
He certainly looked better now. Though he had as of yet to see his Doctor’s true smile. He missed it from back on Gallifrey.

“Maybe you should get some sleep too.” Amy suggested.

The Master snorted, “The last time I helped a girl who looked innocent, and let her stay in my room for the night so she wouldn’t get hurt, I woke up chained, naked to the bed after I’d been drug raped. It was not fun when my boss broke down the door the next day.” Amy stared at him horrified. “ It’s always the women.” He sighed, even though he was slightly delighted to have shocked her.

“What was her name, I think I met her once.” A voice groaned from the awful excuse he called a bed. The Master didn’t get up and let Amy talk to him instead. Less interaction meant less ways the Doctor could figure him out.

“Are you okay, Doctor?” She asked. Not even pretending his name was John anymore. Not that if he wasn’t the Master he would notice.

“Much better, thank you considering I was supposed to be dead...” The Doctor said cheerfully as he sat up. “How did that come about, exactly?” He asked seemingly checking everything was working.

“Sam gave you something.” Amy told him and for the first time the Doctor looked his way. The Master didn’t meet his gaze.

“It was Annie who saved you, not me.” He told the Doctor.

“Oh, that lovely police woman." He said fondly. "Sam, she told me about you. She couldn’t seem to believe she'd met two people who had delusions of time travel.” The Doctor laughed before he grew serious. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t save her.”

“I know.” The Master replied simply. The Doctor made a strange noise. He didn’t want to but knowing the Doctor wouldn’t leave without it, he took the screwdriver out of his pocket.

He left soon after that and the Master began his plans on creating an interstellar space ship and maybe robbing a few banks to get to Annie. He fell asleep in the middle, cursing his human need for rest once again. He dreamed a million phones were ringing for him and only one would lead to Annie. Less to say he woke up screaming.

He realised immediately he was not alone but took a few deep breaths before he looked around. The Doctor’s presence swamping him meaning Amy was close by too.

“Who are you?” The Doctor asked him as menacingly as he could manage, which was not much, an aspect he found adorable about his arch enemy. He didn’t try to hide his plans from the Doctor knowing he’d already seen them and knew they were far too advanced for a human of this time but since the Doctor still had no idea he was the Master, he didn’t feel obliged to tell him.

He did however tell him a half truth. “I don’t know.”

He decided not to turn around after all and looked instead at the TV he always left on. The little girl from the test card image appeared to taunt him like she always did.

“What are you going to do if you do find Annie? That is what you’re planning right.” The Doctor asked.

“If I don’t know who I am. How can I possibly know what I would do once I get there?” The Master replied dispassionately.

“Come with us," The Doctor suggested, surprising him. "You don’t even know where you need to go. We’ll help you find her.”

Finally the Master turned around to see the Doctor at the TARDIS door. He scowled at it, being parked in his room, as the Doctor stood in the entrance holding out his hand.

“Why’s that in here?” He said moodily. Yet the Doctor took that to mean “How did you get that great big wooden box in here?” rather than “Why have you parked that spaceship next to my bed?”

“It’s my space ship.” The Doctor said proudly. “It can travel through time and space. It’ll travel a lot faster than whatever you’re designing there.” He continued to mutter about how amazing the TARDIS was as the Master thought silently.

The Master knew the Doctor was telling the truth but he was afraid, he didn’t want the Doctor recognising him and if he got inside the TARDIS. He’d have to fool her as well as him. He knew she hated him for cannibalising her.

“Stay with me,” A girl’s voice said and he saw in horror the little girl out of her TV screen once again sweetly holding her hand out. “ You broke your promise to Annie, didn’t you Sam but you can at least stay here with me.”

“No!” He recoiled in horror, bumping straight into the Doctor who was still talking as he did so. He clutched his arm to make sure he didn’t fall and kept the Doctor between him and the girl.

“ Hey, hey, it’s alright.” The Doctor said worriedly wondering what had frightened the young man cause he couldn’t see anything. The Master let go, still shaking and made the mistake of looking up just when the Doctor looked right at him and their eyes met, whiskey green to dark mahogany.

The Master held his breath waiting for the Doctor to realise when he smiled gently, “Welcome aboard Sam.” The Master attempted to smile back nervously and turned to see Amy grinning from behind the TARDIS’s main control panel. He took in the new decor for the TARDIS with curiosity and the Doctor grinned in a way he’d never really seen in this version of his Doctor before, mostly due to his own madness. The Doctor loved showing off his new ship. As the Doctor closed the door on the little girls angry face, the Master realised he was stuck now. He might as well make the most of it and find Annie.


rating- pg-13, tvshow- doctor who, pairing- doctor/master

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