The guy who precedes the storm - Chapter 11

Jun 18, 2008 20:16

It was at that moment the world turned to chaos. The ground was whipped away from Dean and he hit the ceiling. He shouted curses as he hit shoulder first causing pain to shoot searing throughout his whole body. The pain left him seeing stars as he hit the wall to his side and crumpled to the floor.

He quickly spread himself trying to grip the hard floor with nothing to hold onto as he realized the floor was still swaying and threatening to throw him again. There was a nightmarish whine followed by rattling and Dean barely recognized it as the glass never believing the windows could ever make such a sound without breaking, his hands snapping to his ears in a futile attempt to block it out.

Slowly the world came to a stop but Dean still didn't get up. Too shaken to move. He needed to get up. Sam was lost and he couldn't remain here when he might be in danger. He gently stood up and checked that all his motor functions still worked. They did.

"Shit!" Dean shouted; pissed at how his day was turning out. He shouldn't have gotten up this morning that was for sure. What the fuck just happened? If Sam were here he would give Dean some bullshit that it was an earthquake or something but there was no way that was just a fucking earthquake!

The glass was still reverberating a little. The same could be said for Dean but he would never admit he was so shaken.

"Fire Exit!" That was it. He needed to get out of this place as fast as he could. He took one last look down the corridor as if hoping in vain Sam would miraculously appear and make everything all right but he didn’t and Dean turned and left.

The nearest exit was around the corner and Dean ran to it and hit the crash bar. It didn’t budge. Stupid school - locking off fire exits. He didn't have time for this. He kicked at it with enough force to leave it in splinters but instead when it contacted instead of going through the wood it just stopped. A blue light flashed and he was thrown once again across the room.

Dean grumbled as he got up and brushed himself off for what seemed like the twentieth time in the last few minutes. He hadn't even made a dent in the door. He brushed his hand over the rough grain but found nothing. The blue light faded away long ago.

This was too weird. The Assembly Hall!

They were to go there in an emergency like if your roommate fell ill and Mr. Taylor could be contacted from there. And if this wasn't a fucking emergency then hell to what was! It turned out it was the right choice because everyone was already there. That was everyone except Mr. Taylor.

Everyone was in utter panic. John looked like he had broken his arm and Kevin had a massive gash up his leg but it didn't seem too deep. Everyone was talking over each other and Dean couldn't hear a thing.

He whistled shrilly immediately catching everyone’s attention in the room. Something he was famous for.

"Now! I need you all to calm down!" Dean ordered just loud enough for everyone to hear. "Mr. Taylor isn't here to tell us what to do and whatever's happening...we're not going to get through it acting like a bunch of pansies!"

"And who made you boss!" Michael hissed. Dean was speechless, even after what he had done this morning he had never seen this nasty side of Michael before.

"I did!" Dean challenged.

"Well fuck you if you think I'm gonna listen to you." Michael spat back and Dean knew the whole universe was going crazy. Michael carried on. "I think we should split up and search for Mr. Taylor." Dean could see people nodding and knew he was losing them.

"No, we've got to stay together! We're already missing people. We can't risk more until we understand what's going on!" Dean said more loudly.

"We're professionals. If you want to wimp out and stay here so you can feel safe. Maybe you shouldn't have come to this school!" Michael retorted. Dean couldn't believe he was losing to a chicken dare but he knew he HAD lost.

"I don't think so." A voice rang clearly from the back breaking the stretching silence. There was an onslaught of noise as, never could he have imagined, a SWAT team trampled into the hall. The world was fucking insane!

The one who had spoken, Dean supposed he was the leader, walked towards him and Michael who seemed to shrink back into the group.

"We should stick together until we know EXACTLY what's going on. We shouldn't be about to walk into something unprepared. Anything could happen. The voice was strong and calm. No one would dare disobey.

The man removed his mask and Dean gaped. He was the spitting image of Sam, equally gorgeous, albeit older and had blonde streaks in his hair. Dean knew exactly who he was even before he introduced himself.

"My name's Simon, Simon Mekay." he held his hand out but Dean was too stunned to take it.
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