The guy who precedes the storm - Chapter 9

Jun 04, 2008 19:36

Dean led Sam to the library later that evening. Apparently every night that he had sneaked out of the room, this was where he had come, trying to figure out what was happening to him. And after Sam had stopped laughing at the idea of Dean being in a library, and Dean had beat the crap out of him in retaliation, they had both gone together.

Sam decided that Dean was possibly the most adorable person he had ever met. He could see that Dean was way more insecure than he let on to people but now that the older man let down his defences Sam found he grew to like Dean so much more. Dean could actually be quite shy, despite the brashness and confidence he generally exuded, and when he was shy, he refused to let anyone see it by going to amazing lengths to embarrass them with his snarky comments or joke his way out of it.

And more than just opening up to Sam, the younger man was reassured to see that Dean was struggling to understand his new powers as much as Sam was his because he was suddenly questioning everything he was seeing.

The sun was setting and it lit the library with a subtle orange light. You could see the dust through the rays swamping the room from the floor-to-ceiling windows. Students never used the library because the whole section of the school that it was in was shut down a few years ago being labelled an unsafe part of the ageing building.

Sam had never even questioned why it had been closed before but now he was curious to know the reason behind it. He didn’t wait for Dean as he headed to where the newspapers were. Sam had never been in this library before but it was something of a speciality of his to know the layout of a library like the back of his hand, just like that, having spent his time in enough of them.

"Where are you going?" Dean was heading in a different direction, towards the supernatural section. Sam bit his lip to keep from laughing but clapped Dean on the when he threw Sam a confused look.

"You wont find anything that way, its all fake y’ know?" Sam chuckled bemused.

"Where are we supposed to start looking then, brainiac?" Dean blustered, ruining the effect by blushing and refusing to look at Sam - a look so cute that Sam couldn’t help but lean in and kiss him. Dean surrendered after a moment parting his lips letting their tongues twist together, heated breath mingling.

Sam moaned at the plump give of Dean’s goddamn sexy mouth when he nipped at it and received a moan in response. Then Dean snapped back leaving them both panting.

"Shouldn’t we carry on looking?" Dean asked in that deep rumble that really shouldn’t have turned Sam on as much as it did. It took a moment to get through Sam’s misted senses but Sam smiled amazed at how easily Dean made him feel good without even realising it.

He scooped up an armful of old newspapers from behind the counter and went to a nearby table. It took a few hours but eventually Sam found something.

"Hey check this out, it says here that over 10 years ago this school was vandalised quite badly. All the furniture was thrown around but since none of the students were seriously hurt and it was near end of term they just sent everyone home while they fixed up the school for the next year coming in. They never found the people responsible for it." As Dean took the paper from him Sam thought of something that had been bugging him.

"Another thing, what if everyone else at this school has some sort of freaky powers too. I mean, it can hardly be a coincidence that there are only two people with strange powers and that they are placed in the same room." Sam suggested.

"You think everyone else is hiding their powers too - thinking they are the only one."

"Exactly and another thing - I didn’t have these powers before I came here, at least I don’t think I did. What about you? When did you first figure out you could become invisible?"

"No, I couldn’t before the school. At least I don’t think so. I mean I didn’t ever try before, I don’t even know what made it happen here, I didn’t have control over it to start with, it just kinda switched on from nothing ya know"

"Maybe there is something here at the school, something pushing these powers from inside of us?

"The school is a common link between us - but we need to know more though, We need to find out who else has these strange things happening to them. We should go ask everybody." Sam jumped up and moved to the door quickly before coming back at Dean laughing at him.

"It’s the …erm… middle of the night. Maybe we should wait till morning." Sam suggested and Dean nodded mockingly like he hadn’t already known that.

Then Sam caught a glance Dean sent his way before his roommate moved around the table with purpose making Sam back up, wary.

"Y’ know I never got to thank you for this morning." Dean whispered. The grin on his face made Sam swallow hard and take a step back. The bookcase digging into his back when he hit it hard. Books fell to the floor with a deafening clatter but he couldn’t even hear them when Dean stood flush against him.

There was a childish excitement in Dean’s eyes that Sam couldn’t help but warm to and he met Dean in a kiss halfway. It wasn’t rushed like their previous kisses, not a messy clash of mouth, tongue, teeth. No, this softly and thoroughly made him breathless and loose to Dean’s control.

His fingers ran through the shorter man’s hair, surprised to find it irresistibly soft and he moaned, pulling Dean in deeper to the kiss. Even as the heat was rising in his body the blood was rushing straight to his core making it harder for him to stand.

"Hadn’t we better go back to our room before we…" Sam tried but then Dean pulled away yanking his T-shirt with him and he forgot what he was saying. Dean was so wickedly nakedly gorgeous he felt his mouth water while his eyes feasted on the muscled chest before him. He reached out to pull Dean to him again but was stopped.

"No, this time it’s my turn." Dean grinned. He kissed Sam softly on the mouth before repeating it along his cheek and down his neck. With that mouth suckling dangerously on his neck, his body flush with Dean he knew his roommate could feel way more then just his beating heart.

"Dean…" Sam gasped. Hands fumbling with his own clothes, removing his shirt and tugging at his belt until he was left naked and defenceless in front of his new lover, suddenly he felt nervous. Dean shushed him gently stroking down the plain of his chest holding him steady against the cold hard shelves. The burning hot kisses moved down his chest rubbing his nipples torturously with his tongue until Sam writhed and more books fell from behind him.

He was so hot and flushed all over he barely noticed when Dean guided him to a table and pushed him to lie down. That was until Dean was on top of him completely naked too. Then he was very aware of what was happening.


"Don’t worry, Sammy… shh… I’d never hurt you, I promise." Sam felt himself relax involuntarily into the sweet caresses that Dean was placing on his tortured heated body. Dean’s hand was firm around his dick and Sam keened into the touch. He whimpered and bucked more into Dean’s hand, needing the heat, needing the friction. He was already soaked in precum so Dean found an easy rhythm.

"Fuck, Sam…"Dean moaned softly in his ear. He took his hand away and when he rubbed his own length against Sam’s. The younger man fumbled to grip the edge of the table, the sudden contact bringing him so close to losing control. They were both a sweaty mess panting hard. Dean held them both together picking up pace, red, hot and pulsing.

Sam shut his eyes, sight being one of his senses too far overloaded to use. Dean leaning down kissing, their chests rubbing together setting fire onto his skin. Sam stuttered right before he came. He screamed silently as the release pulsed through him like a tidal wave. Dean was right behind him.

Dean collapsed on top of him shaking. The sweet warmth threatened to pull him into its depths but he fought to keep awake, knowing this was not anywhere close to being a decent place to sleep. Afraid that Dean would fall asleep too he ran a hand tenderly up his side.

Dean pushed himself off and got his clothes. Even to Sam’s tired mind he managed to appreciate Dean’s gorgeous body. Dean turned around, caught him watching and threw his shirt at him.

"Get dressed." Dean smirked.

"Why? Weren’t you the one that got me undressed in the first place?"

Dean bit his lip in what was unmistakably desire. "Unless you want another round in here. I suggest we get you back to our room." At Sam’s stunned expression, he laughed. "You really don’t know how hot you are, do you?" Dean teased in that low rumble.

After that, Sam finished getting dressed before Dean so he could appreciate the view.
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