Anywhere and Everywhere

Feb 14, 2011 14:35

Title: Anywhere and Everywhere.
Author: dreamsparkle3.
Fandom: Chronicles of Narnia.
Pairing: Skandar Keynes/William Moseley, Peter Pevensie/Edmund Pevensie.
Rating: PG-13.
Warnings: Real person slash, Incest.
Word count: 2,068.
Summary: Some people are destined to be together even if the worlds themselves have to shift to make it possible.

William was happy. He was on the sofa, watching cartoons he really didn’t care for, with Skandar nestled fast asleep in his arms. He was warm and comfortable and Skandar’s chocolate brown hair was really too soft to leave alone; running his fingers through the silky strands. Things shouldn’t be this easy, he knew. He’d been in relationships before and they were never like this.
“Your heartbeat is too loud.”Skandar complained. Stirring, he looked up to glare.

William ducked his head though there was no way to hide really. “I wonder why?” He joked but the blush relayed the seriousness. He dared to glance up and he smiled innocently. Skandar grinned, a mischievous glint and something else lighting up his eyes. Then let his face drop into William’s shoulder to snuggle closer.

“You’re silly.” He whispered. William hugged him tighter. “Hey, Will?”

“Yeah,” he answered.

“What would you wish to do, if you could?” Skandar asked sweetly.

The soppy idea that he wanted to say was that he just wanted them two to be together, in every conceivable time and place but he couldn’t say that out loud. Instead he said the typical...

“I wish I could go to Narnia.” William laughed at Skandar’s response as he scrunched up his nose and looked at him sceptically.
“Really, why?” He asked genuinely curious.

“Cause it’s warm and beautiful. And because they fought for things, life or death; it made things real. Don’t you ever wonder that without our barbaric clear sense of right or wrong, we’ll lose sight of any real purpose in life. That sounds stupid.” He condemned himself with a sigh.
“No, that’s just the showbiz lifestyle making you think that. When people keep telling you that getting in the gossip mag’s of the week is something you should be proud of you wonder if you’re wrong for wanting more. But I do. I want to grow up and buy my own house. In England, sorry. I can’t stand warm weather. I want it to be compulsively clean with no sand at all and a room full of books.”

“Do I get a room?” Will asked.

“You can have all of them,” he replied.

“Are you asking me to live with you, Keynes?” Will asked, sounding as breathless as he felt.

“No, you’d be unbearable to live with.” Skandar backtracked embarrassed.
“Can I still say yes?” Will pouted.

Skandar laughed, brown eyes searching Will’s face for any sign he was just joking. The he just rolled his eyes. “I guess I did offer. Now I’m stuck with you.”

“Yes, you are.” Will winked.


The last rays of sunshine glinted out of sight leaving the room in complete darkness. Yet Peter made no move to light any candles. He didn’t want to see anything anymore, especially himself in the pieces of smashed mirror spread around him on the floor. It wasn’t the smartest move he had ever made but no one had ever accused him of being smart in the first place.

He’d dismissed his servants. He knew there was no chance he would ever get to sleep tonight so he might as well stay in his clothes. He couldn’t bear people seeing him like this. He had already upset Susan and Lucy at dinner and that had been the last thing he had wanted; to alienate the few who knew him well enough to love him for himself in Narnia.

It had been weeks since Aslan killed the White Witch and they were still digging graves for the bodies the war had left behind. With each body he helped lower into the ground, he felt lower himself until he could no longer stand it.

He couldn’t sleep tonight; agitated by the ghost’s of families torn apart. He couldn’t help but think that there had to have been a better way if only he had been cleverer. His face was damp, it must have been for some time but he only just noticed it when he heard a knock at the door. He tried to find the breath to tell the person to go away but all he could manage was a bitten off hiss.

When the door opened anyway, he glared and hoped it would be enough to send the person scuttling away but instead of the servant he had been expecting, it was Edmund. Maybe he should have predicted it, but his brother was not the same person. While in the old Edmund’s presence he would be at risk of being ridiculed for getting in such a state but Edmund hadn’t been one to initiate anything since the White Witch had released him and Peter was worried when he found himself having time to be.

Edmund held a candle. The corridor outside his room’s were well lit so Peter was left under no illusion that the candle was for anyone’s benefit but his. Edmund came in and placed the candle on the desk top; the clatter loud in what had been complete silence.

Peter turned away tersely, telling himself that the bright flame had been hurting his eyes and that it wasn’t the strange look on his brother’s face that upset him. He forced himself to speak when the silence dragged on.

“Edmund, can whatever it is wait until morning?...” His voice sounded fairly normal and smirked wryly, bowing his head to hide his eyes.
“You have to sleep.”Edmund stated quietly. Peter found it was a tone he couldn’t argue with but saying and doing were two very different things. He startled when a hand held his wrist and turned to Edmund against his will.

The scene was happening the wrong way around and he knew it. Edmund was the one who reminded people of dark wild fire, his fast self-destructive nature had seemed destined to take the world with him. Peter had always been as afraid of Edmund as he was for him. Yet he protected Edmund from himself and that was a role he no longer had to fill.

Those flames had been doused and he couldn’t imagine what it had taken the white witch to cause that kind of damage. It hurt to be faced with another person he had failed to protect.

“Peter.” Edmund’s voice sounded hoarse. “It will get better. I promise.”

The light from the candle made Edmund’s eyes glitter like glowing charcoal remains. So warm, Peter wanted him close. He nodded agreeably but was afraid his false smile cracked. Edmund held his hand tighter then moved again.

His deft fingers had begun work on untying the armour plating on his arm. Edmund meant to help him get changed. And while humiliating Peter couldn’t think of a way, to begin to tell him, no. Once the weight of his armour was lifted and pushed to the side, Peter felt too light. Like if he tried to take a step he’d float away.

He could barely lift his arms so Edmund could lift the chainmail. He did stumble then, catching himself only on a nearby chair. He panicked; the feeling of floating mixing with the ache of his abused muscles, crippling him and he realised it was adrenalin that had been the only thing keeping him going. He was in that second, drowning in confusing sensations. He would have screamed, if he could get a break in his hysterical shallow breathing.

Then an anchor caught him in the riptide. Edmund was holding him up. Holding him close, despite him being bigger and heavier.
“Please, Peter, calm down, you must be calm...” His brother was saying.

Peter choked on a sob, “Edmund.” He managed breathlessly. He rested his forehead in the crook of the younger man’s small neck. He loved his brother, more than he technically should. Had ever since he was 11 and had started to be too over protective. Edmund pulled away eventually and finished changing his clothes. Edmund avoided his gaze now. Peter managed to wash the dirt away and the tears while Edmund cleaned away the glass.

Finally he sat on the bed. Edmund caught him before he lied down. He bandaged the gash on his hand that he had forgotten about. It didn’t hurt, he didn’t think. Edmund kneeling wrapped it gently and slowly. Peter thought he was worried about leaving. He pulled the covers up to his chin.

“Thank you.” He whispered but he didn’t think he had to. He had no energy to put a guard up and knew everything he was feeling was strongly shown on his face. He thought as he went to sleep, I wish we were in a world where it’s okay that I love you. He felt Edmund kiss his hand before leaving seeming, if not in Peter’s wishful thinking, that Edmund may love him a little too.

William woke up in a strange place and his first thought was that he knew his wish had come true. He didn’t know what that said of him as a person. He’s pretty sure most people would go through every kind of denial. What did I drink last night? Is someone pulling a prank? I must be dreaming. Yet William simply noticed the lack of wiring and light bulbs and ran to the window to look outside.

Real clean blue ocean was outside and he wanted to jump in it. He’d spent so much time in the gross fake slimy clean water that was in the film. He wanted to experience the real thing before he went back. He didn’t know how long he would get to be here.

He ran out, took ages to find an exit. Dodged several people precariously trying to carry stuff and he apologised to all of them, walking backwards and fell over a banister. He was blushing like hell when he got back up, humiliated and pretending it hadn’t happened.
Yet when he got outside it didn’t matter. It was so beautiful. He didn’t even bother to strip off his clothes and gasped as the cold water worked its way up to his chest when he waded in. It was pure fantasy. The warm weather and the refreshingly cold water. He swam lengths for half an hour, wondering why he felt there was something missing and then he got it, Skandar.

That dampened things. Now William knew what he was missing it was glaringly obvious. That was when he heard shouting from the shore. It was him, so this must really be a dream. He motioned for Skandar to join him, but the boy shook his head. So he went to the shore. Skandar looked very beautiful in Narnian clothing. Something about the way he was looking at William was wrong though. He handed William a towel but kept his hand on his sword.

“Thanks.”William said drying his hair.

“Who are you?” Skandar asked and William just looked at him incredulously. “ I mean you’re not my brother, Peter, I know you’re not.” A slow smile of realisation came over William’s face.

“Oh, you’re Edmund?” William said. “Right, I’m William.” He held out his hand after drying it. Edmund didn’t take it.

“Where’s Peter?” He asked dangerously.

“I dunno, maybe where I was.” William shrugged.

Edmund sighed, “Promise me you’ll do exactly as I say and I won’t have you locked up for impersonation of a king and kidnapping.” William agreed quickly. “First, you need to join us for breakfast, you’ll need to pretend you’re Peter. Can you do that?” He asked doubtfully.
“I hope so,” William laughed, because otherwise he should be fired.

“He’s been very depressed lately. He upset Susan and Lucy last night. Just make sure they don’t worry and you can explain to me afterwards why you’re here.” Edmund told him. “Don’t leave my sight and don’t carry any weapons.”

“Bossy boots,” William stuck his tongue out, which made Edmund smile slightly. He grinned at his achievement then shrugged. “It’s not like I can use real swords anyway. I just do as the choreographer says.”

“Choreographer?” Edmund asked confused.

“Never mind, can you show me how to get back to Peter’s room? I have no idea where I left it.”

rating- pg-13, pairing- peter/edmund, pairing- skandar/william

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