Week So Far

Jan 23, 2008 13:57

This is hell week for those of us in the bookstore. At this time everyone and their mother (and that is not an expression, mothers do come in to tell the kiddies what to get) comes to get books. For some reason they think that the first day of class is the best time to get books. As an example of how busy it was it took me 2 and 1/2 hours to eat a package of instant oatmeal. But in actuality it hasn't been too bad. We have had the least number of "oops I don't have enough money" problems this semester then in previous terms. Other then that classes seems to be standard. Calc starts off a little slow but that is to be expected. Seminar shouldn't be too bad since it is only once a week. I am already banging my head at the CS 1 retake because I am forced to use the Blue J java editor. But I should be able to do all of the assignments in the first week. So thats about it.
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