Jul 07, 2008 09:01
I love how this avatar expresses the endlessness that is cardio x_x
But I did it! I'm excited to be back on the old track. The difference this time around is that I know what the end result will be like.
The stats for today...
AM cardio: 5 minute warmup, 45 minutes steady state (10% incline, 3 mph), 3 minute cool down
Meal 1: 1/3 cup oatmeal, 2.5 apricots (one was half inedible. Sad times.), 2 tbs flaxseed meal, 1/2 cup eggbeaters
Meal 2: Soy yogurt, 10 almonds
Meal 3: 4 oz. turkey, 1/2 avocado, 1 cup green beans, 1/4 cup black beans all mixed together with salsa
Meal 4: 4 oz. turkey, 1 cup green beans, 4 oz. baked yam
PM: Warmup (5 minutes on elliptical) Legs, abs, 20 minutes cardio (treadmill, 5% incline, 2.7 mph)
PWO:* 1 medium apple, 1/2 scoop Gold Standard whey protein powder
Meal 5: Kale, collard greens chicken soup
(I boiled a huge pot of kale, collard greens and low sodium chicken broth. I'll dish out 1 cup broth, 2 cups of the vegetables and dice up a freshly baked or boiled chicken breast. From there I'll add whatever spices I feel like.)
Meal 6: 4 hardboiled eggwhites
*PWO = Post WorkOut
Calories: 1514
Fat: 31g
Carbs: 159g
Fiber: 36g
Protein: 149g
* * * * *
Cardio this morning was actually more pleasant. The EC stack definitely helps with my asthma, which isn't surprising since it has some norephedrine in there. I wore my lightweight vest which usually makes me feel incubated, but somehow I had more of a cool sweat going on. When I emerged from the cardio room, the trainers asked me if I'd gone swimming! I felt more... light and pleasantly energetic, rather than wired. I'm drinking down oversized mugs of coffee with breakfast and am not bouncing off the walls... I guess that's a very good sign. I prefer Lipodrene over most other EC stacks because it only has 100mg of caffeine... so I can safely drink my coffee! =3
Another thing to note, which I think makes a ton of difference... I meditated for 30 minutes upon waking. My attitude so far today has been upbeat but not giddy. I was able to relax fully when I had a chiropractic adjustment too. My chiro was pleasantly surprised ^_^ And as usual, I've noticed that more people acknowledge me when I've meditated. I think it's the good vibes I feel ;D Hah, I know that sounds dorky, but it really happens.
A little bit of extra exercise: walking to Whole Foods / Bartell Drugs to get some things, namely a brace for my left hand. I'm to wear it to work and at the gym. I'm playing with the idea of making up wild stories whenever someone asks me about it.
That about covers it. Time to move the day onward and hopefully get some homework done.