Dec 14, 2005 18:08
We get all kinds in here... old, young; affluent, not; gregarious, shy, and all the in betweens.
Etc and so forth.
But some people just make me sad.
Sometimes it's because it's clear it's been a long time since they ever lived; if ever. That they are cattle just being herded about in this world. Beyond the usual run of the mill.
But that's less sad than those clearly poverty stricken and physically debilitated.
Even more sad is those that seem so desperately in search of something to make them whole again.
I hate how this society rips people apart more and more with every step, and makes a world full of lonely broken souls with no one to lean on in times when a step might just be too much.
A society that says as long as it can keep the husk going damn the life and the experience; as long as some measure of productivity can be squeezed from it, then it's worth it.
To the society.
What about the human?