Oct 09, 2005 21:50
So that whole RFID thing... Alex Jones was talking about it a few years ago... I finally heard something from the somewhat major media on it... on KINK of all places (I guess they are changing formats).
For those of you not familiar... back in the day UPC codes were made the norm by a few major retailers telling product makers "use this or we don't sell your product". Of course, since the bulk of the producer's goods go to these companies, that means all the goods they make will contain this code.
THe new UPC code is the RFID tag. Radio tracking, for those who dislike acronyms. The biggies such as walmart and their ilk are yet again demanding producers use the technology they demand.
THe head honchos as said companies "cannot wait to track the usage of their products in consumer's homes". Yes, that was verbatim.
Phear, my friends... the future and what mankind is doing with it.
But then stop... and realize there is nothing to fear. And create the world as you see it should be.
Which moves us to our next post...