☮ recipes

Oct 04, 2009 00:45

All taken from here.
Please note that Ruca usually can't make the last recipe in each category without special ingredients.

- Recipe 001 To 020

Fried Bread あげパン
- MHP + 15% For 6 Battles

Tortilla トルティーヤ
- MHP + 20% For 4 Battles

Hot Dog ホットドッグ
- DEF + 10% For 5 Battles

Bean Soup 豆スープ
- DEF + 10% For 5 Battles

Scone スコーン
- MHP + 10%, DEF + 5% For 4 Battles

Oil Pasta オイルパスタ
- MHP + 20%, DEF + 10% For 1 Battle

Sandwich サンドイッチ
- DEF + 10% For 5 Battles

Caviar Canape キャビアカナッペ
- MHP + 40% For 3 Battles

Cream Pasta クリームパスタ
- DEF + 25% For 4 Battles

Fried Soba ヤキソバ
- Assault Distance Up For 7 Battles

Omelet Rice オムライス
- Range Of Collection Up For 8 Battles

Savory Pancake お好み焼き
- Drop Gald Up For 8 Battles

Potato Croquette いものコロッケ
- Drop Item Up For 7 Battles

Jambalaya ジャンバラヤ
- MHP + 15%, Assault Power Up For 5 Battles

Pizza ピッツア
- Assault Power Up, Drop Item Up For 4 Battles

Cream Croquette クリームコロッケ
- Range Of Collection Up, Assault Power Up For 4 Battles

Soba ソバ
- Assault Distance Up, Drop Gald Up For 7 Battles

Paella パエリア
- Assault Power Up, Assault Distance Up For 7 Battles

Congee お粥
- Drop Gald Up, Drop Item Up For 3 Battles

Mabo Curry マーボカレー
- Drop Gald Up, Gald + 40% For 9 Battles

- Recipe 021 To 034

Dried Meat 干し肉
- ATK + 5% For 3 Battles

Meat Saute 肉のソテー
- Physical Damage - 15% For 3 Battles

Smoked Meat 肉のくんせい
- Tech ATK + 10% For 3 Battles

Bird Bone Soup 鳥骨スープ
- ATK + 30% For 1 Battle

Meat Ravioli ミートラビオリ
- Physical Damage - 20%, Block Poison For 3 Battles

Pan Fried Meat 肉の塩釜焼き
- Tech ATK + 10%, Block Paralyze For 5 Battles

Meat Bun 肉まん
- Block Petrify, Block Poison For 5 Battles

Meat Loaf ミートローフ
- ATK + 20%, Block Seal For 6 Battles

Fillet Steak フィレステーキ
- Block Petrify, Block Paralyze For 7 Battles

Curry Chicken カリーチキン
- Physical Damage - 20%, ATK + 20% For 5 Battles

Sinewy Meat Stew Pot スジ肉煮込み鍋
- Tech ATK + 20%, Block Paralyze For 7 Battles

Roast Turkey ローストターキー
- Tech ATK + 30%, Block Petrify For 4 Battles

Shish Kebab シシカバブ
- ATK + 30%, Spell Damage - 30% For 4 Battles

Imperial Feast まンカんぜんセき
- Physical Damage - 80%, DEF + 40% For 1 Battle

- Recipe 035 To 051

Dried Fish 干し魚
- Wisdom + 25% For 6 Battles

Fish Flit 魚のフリット
- Wisdom + 35% For 4 Battles

Smoked Fish 魚のくんせい
- Spell Damage - 30% For 3 Battles

Fish Pie 魚のパイ
- Spell Damage - 50% For 7 Battles

Curry Shrimp カリーシュリンプ
- Wisdom + 20%, Spell Damage - 20% For 3 Battles

Fish Marinade 魚のマリネ
- Wisdom + 20%, TP Cost - 20% For 3 Battles

Pan Fried Fish 魚の塩釜焼き
- Spell Damage - 20%, TP Cost - 20% For 3 Battles

Fish Terrine 魚のテリーヌ
- Automatic TP Recovery For 2 Battles

Sushi スシ
- Spell Damage - 40%, Spell Power + 30% For 5 Battles

Creamed Fish 魚のクリーム煮
- Spell Power + 20%, TP Cost - 30% For 5 Battles

Fish Poele 魚のポワレ
- TP Cost - 25% For 4 Battles

Herb Steamed Fish 魚の香草蒸し
- Spell Power + 40% For 3 Battles

Puffer Fish Sashimi ふぐ刺し
- Automatic HP Recovery For 4 Battles

Savory Seafood Custard 海鮮茶碗蒸
- TP Cost - 20%, Automatic TP Recovery For 4 Battles

High Class Seafood Pasta 高級海の幸パスタ
- Automatic HP Recovery, Spell Damage - 40% For 5 Battles

Shark Fin Stew フカヒレ煮込み
- Automatic HP And TP Recovery For 2 Battles

Imperial Full Course 宮廷フルコース
- Spell Power + 40%, Chanting Time - 80% For 1 Battle

- Recipe 052 To 065

Fried Vegetable 野菜炒め
- MTP + 15% For 5 Battles

Sour Craft ザワークラフト
- Chanting Time - 20% For 5 Battles

Onion Ring オニオンリング
- MTP + 15% For 5 Battles

Coleslaw コールスロー
- MTP + 30% For 3 Battles

Pickles ピクルス
- MTP + 30% For 3 Battles

Vegetable Flit 野菜のフリット
- Chanting Time - 40% For 4 Battles

Tomato Pasta トマトパスタ
- MTP + 30% For 4 Battles

Caesar Salad シーザーサラダ
- Numerous Mining Object Discoveries For 7 Battles

Roll Cabbage ロールキャベツ
- Remote Mining Object Discoveries For 7 Battles

Fried Vegetable Salad 焼き野菜サラダ
- MTP + 15%, Chanting Time - 20% For 4 Battles

Pot Au Feu ポトフ
- Remote And Numerous Mining Object Discoveries For 7 Battles

Ratatouille ラタトゥイユ
- Mining Successful Rate Up, Numerous Mining Object Discoveries For 7 Battles

Quiche キッシュ
- Mining Successful Rate Up, Rare Mining Up For 7 Battles

Vegetarian Meal 精進懐石
- Rare Mining Up, Mining Failure Rate Down For 9 Battles

- Recipe 066 To 083

Poached Egg ポーチドエッグ
- Agility + 30% For 3 Battles

Meringue Omelet メレンゲオムレツ
- Moving Speed + 20% For 5 Battles

Smoked Egg ゆで卵のくんせい
- Agility + 20% For 7 Battles

Mushroom Soup 茸のスープ
- Moving Speed + 30%, Forward Step + 10% For 4 Battles

Pork Bean ポークビーンズ
- Moving Speed + 20%, Forward Step + 20% For 7 Battles

Gratin グラタン
- Moving Speed + 20%, Agility + 40% For 5 Battles

Hotchpotch おでん
- Enemy Occurrence Down For 4 Battles

Cream Stew クリームシチュー
- Agility + 30% For 5 Battles

Pirozhki ピロシキ
- Agility + 30%, Enemy Escape Up For 7 Battles

Cheese Ravioli チーズラビオリ
- Moving Speed + 20%, Backward Step + 5% For 7 Battles

Clam Chowder クラムチャウダー
- Moving Speed + 20%, Backward Step + 10% For 7 Battles

Borsht ボルシチ
- Enemy Escape Up For 4 Battles

Tom Yum Goong トムヤンクン
- Agility + 40%, Moving Speed + 30% For 7 Battles

Cheese Fondue チーズフォンデュ
- Enemy Occurrence Down, Moving Speed + 30% For 4 Battles

Truffle Risotto トリュフリゾット
- Agility + 50%, Enemy Occurrence Down For 5 Battles

Foie Gras Saute フォアグラソテー
- Enemy Escape Up For 5 Battles

Delicacies Soup 山海珍味スープ
- Agility + 30%, Forward Step + 30% For 9 Battles

Miracle Mushroom Soup 霊薬キノコスープ
- Moving Speed + 40% For 9 Battles

- Recipe 083 To 100

Baked Fruit ベイクドフルーツ
- Luck + 40% For 5 Battles

Popcorn ポップコーン
- Luck + 30% For 7 Battles

Red Bean Soup おしるこ
- Luck + 40% For 5 Battles

Fruit Glaze フルーツグラッセ
- Luck + 60% For 3 Battles

Apple Pie アップルパイ
- Luck + 15% For 7 Battles

Bread Pudding パンプディング
- Luck + 20% For 5 Battles

Cheese Tart チーズタルト
- Luck + 20%, Tech Proficiency + 50% For 4 Battles

Fruit Salad フルーツサラダ
- Luck + 20%, Spell Proficiency + 50% For 4 Battles

Fruit Gratin フルーツグラタン
- Luck + 80%, Tech Proficiency + 30% For 6 Battles

Fruit Crepe フルーツクレープ
- Luck + 80%, Spell Proficiency + 30% For 6 Battles

Lemon Pie レモンパイ
- Tech And Spell Proficiency + 40% For 8 Battles

Cheese Crepe チーズクレープ
- Gald + 80% For 8 Battles

Milk Crepe ミルクレープ
- Style Point + 40% For 8 Battles

Trifle トライフル
- Style Point + 40%, Gald + 30% For 4 Battles

Fruit Tart フルーツタルト
- EXP + 40% For 4 Battles

Spice Cake スパイスケーキ
- Tech And Spell Proficiency + 80% For 8 Battles

AKA Yummy Yummy 通称おいしおいし
- EXP + 90% For 9 Battles

!ooc, *recipes

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