
May 13, 2006 21:51

Okay...So after 2 months of physical therapy, mostly I am better....but, that lump in my neck is still there...still bothering me...sometimes it's nerves...that crawling feeling under the skin...sometimes headaches radiating from that area, and of course the tired sore neck muscle. So, I went in for a follow up with the doc. that reffered me to PT...Dr. Lentz.
He felt my neck, and said, yeah there is a lump. It's a lipoma (fat deposit). So I asked what could be done. He said nothing. just wait to see if it goes away. He also said that he doesn't think it's causing any of the symptoms that I described. However he didn't bother trying to find out what IS causing said symptoms. I told him that it was bothering me, and he said that it's small, and that he personally doesn't think a surgeon would want to do surgery because it's so small. He said to come back in a month and if I still wanted to have it removed he'd refer me, but he was very adament that I should just leave it alone. He gave me a shot of toradol/medril (pain stuff and a steroid) and said he'd see me in a month.
I found a website on lipomas...where you can post topics and questions, and I got some very useful info..and advice from one woman who says I need to see a nuerosurgeon, and that most likely the thing is doing something to a nerve...and even if it's not because of lipoma, the doctor should at least look at it and tell me what the hell is going on! I don't feel like I should have to suffer the rest of my life because some idiot thinks I'm making a big deal out of nothing. Well, dinner is done, so I have to go now....more later after I find a new doctor.
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