hope you guess my name

Jun 26, 2007 12:13

meet the people almost as lame at those who waited for PS3.

who is that you say? Why it is people waiting in line for the Apple iphone... that goes on sale Saturday.
You can't even play God of War on that.

Also, Nancy Grace is preggo at 47.... Considering shes that old and preggo- I'm totally betting on Satan being involved. The Omen anyone? Hmm?

Also, I cannot wait to see what couch he will jump and down on about this:

"Tom Cruise worships Lucifer say Christians

(Hollywood, CA) With Scientology making headlines recently and actor Tom Cruise being the most vocal adherent, a Christian group ‘The Resistance’ is trying to help people learn the truth about what they say is a satanic cult.

L. Ron Hubbard was a known student of the infamous Satanist, Aleister Crowley, who actually wrote instructions for human sacrifices in his book Magick: In Theory and Practice.

“Yes, Tom Cruise worships Satan. I don’t say this as an insult, or as an ad hominem attack. I seriously and literally mean he worships Satan, although most occultists, call him Lucifer the light bearer.

In the Garden of Eden, Satan said if Man took the forbidden fruit that he would become just like god, actually becoming equal to God, and that is what occultists people believe.

They believe they themselves, are gods” explains Mark Dice, author of ‘The Resistance Manifesto.’ And the beliefs get even more bizarre, and dangerous.

Scientology is the creation of 20th century science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard, whose book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health was published in 1950 beginning the doctrine of Scientology. Hubbard and his work received tremendous criticism from the mental health community as being blatantly false.

With Tom Cruise, and now apparently Katie Holmes being involved in Scientology, ‘The Resistance’ is worried that these Hollywood celebrities are sucking confused and spiritually starved people into a satanic cult.

Dice addresses Tom directly saying, “If you want a real religion, try going to a Christian Church, Tom, it’s free.”

“Sometimes I find it hard not to laugh at how silly Scientology is, but it’s really a serious satanic cult, and is deceiving lower level members as to the organization’s real motives and beliefs. Scientology is a secret society, similar to other occult hierarchies such as the Freemasons, Skull and Bones.”

Mark Dice is the author of ‘The Resistance Manifesto’ and an activist in The Resistance. The group’s website is www.TheResistanceManifesto.com ‘The Resistance’ is a global movement of Christians dedicated to preserving the true Christian faith and resisting the erosion of morals in society, and in the media."


I like to think he's saying "YEAH SATAN!"

Also, Rosie turned down the Price is Right. So... all rejoice.

I have to move out this weekend :( Or start at least. Which means a lot of throwing things haphazardly into crates and plastic boxes, and then...at some point painting over my hot hot paint job that took me like two weeks. 
Yes, it took me two weeks to paint my room. You can chomp a dick.

That phase was clearly not used to its fullest potential guys, how did it die so quickly

Beer Olympics this friday! Hoorah! I can actually go this time lol. I want them to add my favorite event the baby bottle... but I can see how the event might turn terribly awkward. Especially if we run out of girls ...and theres like sean trying to suck beer out of a baby bottle while viola holds it to his crotch. Actually, I might pay money to see that.

Are you coming to that brooke?

Okay, I need to finish this damn conrad book, and start writing shit. Love
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