Another get to know me quiz!

Nov 14, 2005 12:54

1. What time is it? 12:55
2. NAME: Michelle

3. Piercings? yeppers
4. What is the most recent movie that you saw in theatre? Batman Begins
5. Place of birth: Mass
6. Favorite Food : Mexican
7. Ever been to Africa: Nope, would love to
8. Ever been toilet papering: Yeppers
9. Love someone so much it made you cry: Unfortunately yes
10. Been in a car accident: Yes
11. Croutons or bacon bits?: Mmmmm, croutons
12. Favorite day of the week: Sunday (football day)
13. Favorite Restaurant: La Caretta, Nashua
14. Favorite Flower: White Tulip
15. Favorite sport to watch: Football
16. Favorite drink: Alcoholic - Harpoon IPA, non: Coke
17. Favorite ice cream: Rocky Road
18. Disney or Warner Brothers: Disney
19. Favorite fast food restaurant: Wendy's
20. What color is your bedroom carpet? Beige
21. How many times did you fail your driver's test? 0
22. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail: Robo
23. What do you do most often when you are bored: Read
24. When is bedtime ? varies, usually around 11 or 11:30
25. Favorite TV shows: The Office, Earl and Biggest Loser, L&O SVU (basically Tuesday nights on NBC)
26. Last person you ate with: Drew
29. Ford or Chevy: neither
30. What are you listening to right now: oh my god, Bob Seger .. LOL
31. What is/are your favorite color(s: RED
32. How many tattoos do you have: 4
33. How many pets do you have: 2
34. Which came first the chicken or the Egg: chicken
35. What's the last thing you think at night? getting to sleep
36. What time did you finish this questionnaire? 12:59
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