spikecomix made a good point, in which she noted that the meme I posted yesterday would be better as:
List 10 books you have on your bookshelf that you think the rest of your Flist SHOULD have on theirs.
So, here we go again.
1. Last Chance to See by Douglas Adams (still makes the list. yes it is awesome. yes, you should read it... good luck finding it though.)
2. Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson is also a repeat offender, i hadn't laughed out loud at a book so much SINCE Douglas Adams.
3. Valiant by Holly Black because it is dark and beautiful and haunting. The other two in that series are also worth a read.
4. Uglies by Scott Westerfeld, because really, you'll just have to read the whole damn series. Also, Scott Westerfeld is married to our next contestant.
5. Magic or Madness by Justine Larbalestier (yep, two amazing authors of all things YA and fantasy/sci-fi and they are married. It really doesn't get cooler than that)
6. Dune by Frank Herbert. The original. NOT the derivitives his son wrote. I realize many many many people have already read this, but really, it should be a school requirement. This book remains MY ALL TIME FAVORITE ENDING EVER FOR ALL ETERNITY. The last sentence embodies every single thing in the entire book, and yet, is so plain as to be completely un interesting out of context. OK, I LITERALLY have goosebumps just sitting her thinking about it.
7. Harry Potter by JK Rowling, just in case someone HASN'T read it, listened to it, or watched it. What's wrong with you? Did you grow up in a CAVE or something? Jeez...
8. Twilight by Stephanie Meyers, not because it is so great, but because for a book that supposedly everyone has read, I can't seem to find anyone to discuss it with that has ACTUALLY READ it, and not just heard about it.
9. The Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede, which just doesn't get enough love. That is the kind of book one can enjoy at any age. I would have loved having that read to me before bed back when I was a smaller me. Similar to Shrek, in the light fantasy with humor type of category.
10. I don't know if it's any good, but I must go read Brisingr by Christopher Paolini